In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, managing your investments and trades efficiently is key to…
Building a Cryptocurrency Dashboard for Tracking your Cryptocurrency Portfolio
Reading Time: 5 minutes
You’ve come across applications and platforms that integrate your financial accounts from different institutions so you can better budget, save, and monitor everything. Mint, for example, is an app that helps you manage your money by linking your accounts and allowing you to see how well you keep to your budget. You may use the same logic in your bitcoin investing portfolio as well. A Cryptocurrency Dashboard links you to numerous places where you may store your cryptocurrency, usually wallets and exchanges. They might also include strategies to include crypto-adjacent assets, such as financial products that integrate crypto and non-financial tokens (NFTs).
A Crypto Dashboard might be in the form of a desktop or mobile software, a website service, or even a custom interactive widget. We’ll go into the differences between these alternatives and how to construct them yourself in a moment.
LTR Light Crypto Dashboard
LTR Light Cryptocurrency Dashboard
Light Crypto Admin Dashboard
Light Crypto Admin Dashboard
Mini Sidebar Dashboard
Horizontal Crypto Amin Dashboard
Horizontal Crypto Dashboard
Horizontal RTL Crypto Dashboard
The advantages of a Cryptocurrency Dashboard
Whether you’ve read thus far, you’re undoubtedly aware of why developing a crypto dashboard could be a good idea, but you’re not sure if it’s worth the effort. Apart from the fact that crypto dashboards are much too simple to set up to be ignored, these are the key benefits to consider.
Added convenience
The biggest benefit of creating a crypto dashboard has already been mentioned: it saves you time and helps you keep your sanity. Cryptocurrency platforms aren’t recognized for being especially user-friendly, in the sense that they’re difficult to log into. You can experience that with the help of a Cryptocurrency Dashboard Template.
Most crypto wallets need difficult passwords and utilize sophisticated authentication techniques to guarantee you don’t get hacked since they priorities high security and decentralization. It’s fantastic for assisting you in sleeping at night, but it’s not so great for convenience.
When you just have one or two wallets, this is doable, but if you have a few, it may quickly become overwhelming. You probably don’t want to spend half an hour figuring out how much all your crypto is worth, no matter how much you value security.
The further you go into the crypto realm, and the more cryptocurrencies or items you own, the more necessary (and tough) it is to remain on top of things. Most wallets only handle a few cryptocurrencies, and the more obscure a token is, the less likely it is to be supported by a popular wallet. Your Crypto Admin Template can help you with it. Crypto dashboards solve this issue, but their benefits go beyond practicality.
Organize your portfolio with ease
When you have all your crypto’s past performance in one spot, you can easily determine who the under-achievers and high performers are, and decide whether to purchase, sell, or hold. You just need to use the most appropriate Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Template to get the job done.
You can see your current allocation (the proportion of each single crypto asset in your portfolio) and how it’s evolved over time after you’ve gathered everything. Many individuals first arrange their funds depending on their risk tolerance and which assets they are ready to “bet” on doing well.
However, if your perceptions of which cryptos are “good bets” evolve over time, your allocation will inevitably shift owing to the disproportionate performance of various assets. For example, you may start with ten different cryptocurrencies, each accounting for 10% of your portfolio, but one of them might end up being worth 60% of your portfolio simply due to its meteoric rise.
Most individuals are uncomfortable with this and prefer to invest in a more diverse way. It might be difficult to stay on top of everything if you don’t have anything like a Crypto Admin Dashboard to keep track of everything and make the calculations for you.
Be able to react quickly
Finally, being able to check the value of all your cryptocurrencies at the same time will help you to make rapid judgments on what to sell in order to capitalize on a new opportunity. Perhaps you saw a news item about a new cryptocurrency with intriguing technology and decided to invest.
If crypto makes up most of your investment portfolio (or you don’t want to spend the rest of your money on it), you may want to sell some of your present assets to make place for this new possibility. What, on the other hand, should you sell?
Outlining the merits of a certain service or feature is usually accompanied by a brief warning about the possible drawbacks. However, there are a few drawbacks to be aware of when deciding which Cryptocurrency Dashboard to utilize when it comes to having one.
Features List
80 Dashboards
- Dark Crypto Dashboard
- Stock Market Dashboard
- Business Analytics Dashboard
- Crypto Dashboard
- Crypto Dashboard 2
UI Kit
- Badges
- Buttons
- Floating Action Buttons
- Carousel
- Modal
- Dropdown menu
- Sortable
- Nav
- Breadcrumbs
- Pagination
- Alert
- Callout
- Tooltip
- Accordion
- Tab
- Process
- Progress bar
- Spinner
- Timeline
- Timeline activity
- User Cards
- Sweet Alert
- Notification
- Advanced Medias
- Badges
- Dropdown grid
- border
- color
- Draggable Portlet
- Bootstrap Switch
- Date Paginator
- Horizontal Timeline
- Nestable
- Ribbons
Extra pages
- Invoice
- Profile
- Login
- Register
- Lockscreen
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Blank Page
- Pace Page
- Recover password
- Maintenance
- Default inputs
- Material inputs
- success inputs
- warning inputs
- error inputs
- Combine inputs
- Custom checkboxes
- Custom radios
- Password strength
- Form layouts
- Color picker
- Date time selector
- Select picker
- Upload buttons
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- Code Editor
- Markdown
- Xeditable Editor
- Formatter
- Pre-made Forms
- ChartJS
- Morris
- Sparkline
- Flot
- Inline charts
- jQuery Knob
- Statistic
- Chat
- Social
- Weather
- Blog
- Chart
- List
- Social widgets
- Pricing tables
- Coming soon
- Typography
- Google Fonts
- Colors
- Images
- Avatars
- Tables
- FontAwesome
- IonIcons
- Profile
- Invoice
- Gallery
- FAQs
- Lightbox Popup
- Custom Scrolls
- Mailbox
- Chat
- Calendar
- Data Tables
- Userlist Grid
- Userlist
- Table coloring
- Table editable
- Support Ticket List
- Contact
- Chats
- Fullscreen
- Welcome Email
- Verify Email
- Change Password
- User Updates
- Expired Card
- Closed Account
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