Efficiency is everything. Companies are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations, manage data better,…

Most Popular Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates for 2021
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Bootstrap has continuously emerged as the most popular CSS framework for responsive and mobile-first websites. It embodies the mobile-first web design and makes your web presence extremely friendly. It is a prolific front-end framework with a large roster of tools, components, patterns and empowers both designers and front-end developers. Especially, with Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin templates, you can streamline your front-end capabilities and workflows.
Here are the top Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates for 2021:
A Pro Admin
A Pro Admin is a premium responsive Bootstrap Admin Template with a contemporary design concept. It has more than 100 features, widgets,s, and plugins, and works on all major browsers and devices. Developers love using A Pro Admin to develop apps like custom admin panels, project management systems, admin dashboards, app backend, CMS, CRM websites, portfolios, etc.
Bankio is a dashboard admin template that is ideal for banking and cash statements. It offers a mega menu and various settings.
Bankio is a fully responsive Admin Template created using the Bootstrap 4.2 framework, HTMl5, and CSS3. It is lightweight and easy to customize and works on all major platforms and devices. Additionally, Bankio offers free lifetime updates and 6 months of premium support.
CrmX is an admin dashboard template that is perfect for developers of CRM software. It has been designed bearing in mind the minimal and unique look of CRM software.
It is a responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates built on Bootstrap 4.2 and helps you track and analyze statistics using HTML plugins and widgets.
Lotus Admin Dashboard is a fully responsive template well suited for data analytics and eCommerce websites and applications.
It has some unique features that help you track data like monthly revenue, performance, and visits. If you are looking for a minimal yet impactful design, then Lotus admin is perfect for you as it has 8 variants with RTL version and 5+ color choices.
Building a professional and neat dashboard for your website or application shouldn’t be expensive. Use some of the above-mentioned Admin Templates to add more flavour and function to your admin dashboard.
UI Kit
- Badges
- Buttons
- Floating Action Buttons
- Carousel
- Modal
- Dropdown
- Dropdown menu
- Sortable
- Nav
- Breadcrumbs
- Pagination
- Alert
- Callout
- Tooltip
- Accordion
- Tab
- Process
- Progress bar
- Spinner
- Timeline
- Timeline activity
- User Cards
- Sweet Alert
- Notification
- Advanced Medias
- Badges
- Dropdown grid
- Dropdown menu
- Dropdown
- Border
- Color
- Draggable Portlet
- Bootstrap Switch
- Date Paginator
- Horizontal Timeline
- Nestable
- Ribbons
- ChartJS
- Morris
- Sparkline
- Flot
- Inline charts
- jQuery Knob
- Statistic
- Chat Box
- Social
- Weather
- Blog
- Chart widgets
- List widgets
- Social widgets
- Pricing tables
- Coming soon
- Live Chat
- Calendar
- Mailbox
- Taskboard
- Default inputs
- Material inputs
- success inputs
- warning inputs
- error inputs
- Combine inputs
- Custom checkboxes
- Custom radios
- Password strength
- Form layouts
- Color picker
- Date time selector
- Select picker
- Upload buttons
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- Code Editor
- Markdown
- Xeditable Editor
- Formatter
- Pre-made Forms
Extra pages
- Support Ticket
- Invoice
- Profile
- Login
- Register
- Lockscreen
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Blank Page
- Pace Page
- Recover password
- Maintenance
Student Dashboard & Online Education Dashboard
- Student Dashboard
- Membership
- Courses List
- Courses Categories
- Courses Details
- Blogs (4 Style Blog Pages)
- Blog Detail (8 Style Details pages)
- Widgets (50+ widgets)
- Typography
- About
- Invoice
- FAQs
- Testimonial (4 Style)
- Staff
- Contact
- Register & login (2 Style)
- Forgot Password
- Lock Screen
- Under Constructions
- 404
- 500
- Shop Categories
- Shop Cart
- Shop Checkout
- Shop Details
- Shop Orders
- Header (5 Style)
- Footer (6 styles)
- Search Bar (2 Style)
- Megamenu
- Sass base CSS
- Language Dropdown
- Currency Dropdown
- Videos
- Counter
- University Slider
- Vertical Slider