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Dashboard Admin Templates with Admin Dashboard UI Kit – Uicod
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Uicod Dashboard Admin Templates has so many features to design your dashboard. Imagine having all key metrics and performance indicators neatly arranged in one place. From revenue contributions and monthly visits to income trends and sales figures, the Business Performance Dashboard gives you a comprehensive snapshot of your business’s performance over time. It’s not just about seeing numbers; it’s about understanding the story they tell.
One of the standout features of this Uicod Premium Admin Template is its ability to break down performance by region. Whether you’re analyzing sales in different territories or assessing the impact of marketing campaigns regionally, this tool provides valuable insights into where your strengths lie and where opportunities for improvement exist. Revenue analysis becomes effortless with visualizations that highlight trends and growth opportunities.
Dashboards of Uicod Admin
Simple Tables
Uicod Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Simple Tables and it consists of Responsive Hover Table, Default Table, Dark Table, Table head options, Table head options, Table Striped, Table dark Striped, Table bordered, Table Dark bordered, Table borderless, Table Dark borderless, Hoverable rows, Hoverable Dark Table rows, Small table, Small table, and Breakpoint specific.
Data Tables
Uicod Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Provides Data Tables and it consists of Data Table With Full Features and Hover Export Data Table.
Editable Tables
Uicod Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Editable Tables and it consists of Simple Editable table, and Editable with Datatable.
Uicod Dashboard Template Provides Emails and it consists of Welcome Email, Verify Email, Change Password, User Updates, Expired Card, and Closed Account.
Sample Pages
Uicod Bootstrap UI Kit Template Provides Sample Pages and it consists of Blank, Custom Scrolls, FAQ, Gallery, Invoice, Lightbox Popup, Pace, and Pricing.
Coming Soon
Uicod Bootstrap Templates Provides Coming Soon and it consists of Coming Soon 1, Coming Soon 2, and Coming Soon 3.
Uicod Admin Template Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Register, Lockscreen, and Recover Password.
Error Pages
Uicod Admin Panel Template Provides Error Pages and it consists of 404, 500, and Maintenance.
Uicod Premium Admin Template Provides Widgets and it consists of Blog, Chart, List, Social, Statistic, Weather, and Widgets.
UI Elements
Uicod Admin Dashboard Template Provides Badges and it consists of Basic, Pill, More colors, Sizing, Dot badges, and Ring badges.
Uicod Bootstrap Admin Templates Provides Buttons and it consists of General Buttons, Button with an outline, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, and Application Buttons.
Bootstrap Switch
Uicod Bootstrap Templates Provides Bootstrap Switch and it consists of Color and Sizes.
Uicod Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Color and it consists of Background colors, Border colors, and Text colors.
Uicod Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Ribbons and it consists of Ribbons default, Ribbons right align Vertical ribbons, and Bookmarked ribbons.
Uicod Responsive Web Application Kit Template Provides Sliders and it consists of Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions, and Bootstrap Range Slider.
Sweet Alert
Uicod Bootstrap Admin Web App Template Provides Sweet Alert and it consists of A basic message, Title with a text under, Success Message, Warning message, A basic message, Alert with Image, and Alert with time.
Google Map
Uicod Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Google Map and it consists of Polygonal Map, Routes Map, Styled Map, Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, and Over Layer Map.
Vector Map
Uicod Dashboard Template Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
Uicod Premium Admin Template Provides Charts and it consists of ChartJS, Flot, Inline Charts, Morris, and Piety.
Uicod Admin Panel Template Provides Dashboard and it consists of Revenue Contribution, Region Performance, Revenue Analysis, Taxes info, and Sample Listing Blog Post.
Uicod Bootstrap Admin Template Provides Applications and it consists of Chat app, Contact / Employee, Support Ticket, Calendar, Profile, Userlist Grid, and Userlist.
Uicod Dashboard Admin Template Provides Mailbox and it consists of Inbox, Compose, and Read.
Layout Options
Uicod Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Layout Options and it consists of Boxed, Fixed, and Collapsed Sidebar.
Uicod Responsive Web Application Kit Template Provides Box and it consists of Advanced, Basic, Color, and Group.
Uicod Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Forms and it consists of Advanced Elements, Code Editor, Markdown, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, General Elements, Formatter, and Xeditable Editor.