Bootstrap Admin Template is the control center for any web-based application. It provides administrators with…
Minimal elite Bootstrap Admin Template with Admin Panel
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Minimal elite Bootstrap Admin Template is Amazing Features & Flexibility Provided. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easily customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, and all other smartphone devices.
Minimal elite Bootstrap Admin Template has 2 dashboards, Admin has material and analytics dashboard. An analytical Premium Admin Template that utilizes the revenue graph feature to visualize sales trends over time, helping you identify patterns and opportunities for revenue growth. Sales and Inventory Management helps to stay informed with immediate updates regarding today’s direct and online sales, wholesale figures, and social media statistics. This information gives you the tools to improve your sales strategies and inventory management efficiently.
Minimal elite Bootstrap Admin Dashboard has 100+ HTML pages, 500+ UI elements and plenty of more features. This Responsive Admin Dashboard is useful for monitoring, measuring, and analyzing relevant data in key areas. They take raw data from many sources and clearly present it in a way that’s highly organized to the viewer’s needs—whether you’re a business leader, line of business analyst, sales representative, marketer, and more.
Minimal elite Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Form in Form Validation, Form Wizard, Code Editor, Default inputs, Material inputs, Success inputs, Warning inputs, Error inputs, Combine inputs, Custom checkboxes, Custom radios, Password strength, Form layouts, Color picker, Date time selector, Select picker, Upload buttons, and Validation.
Minimal elite Admin Panel Template Provides Dashboard and it consists of Statistics, Visitor, Products, and Site Traffic.
Minimal elite Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates Provides App and it consists of Chat app, Contacts / Employee, Support Ticket, Profile, Userlist grid, Userlist, and Calendar.
Minimal elite Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Mailbox and it consists of Inbox, Compose, and Read.
Minimal elite Dashboard Template Provides Forms and it consists of Advanced Elements, Editors, Code Editor, Form Validation, Form Wizard, General Elements, Formatter, Xeditable Editors, and Markdown.
Minimal elite Bootstrap UI Kit Template Provides Tables and it consists of Simple Tables, Editable Tables, Table Color, and Data Tables.
Minimal elite Bootstrap Templates Provides Charts and it consists of ChartJS, Flot, Inline, Morris, Peity, and Chartist.
Google Map
Minimal elite Admin Panel Templates Provides Google Map and it consists of Simple Basic Map, Polygonal Map, Market with Info window, Routes Map, Over Layer Map, and Styled Map.
Vector Map
Minimal elite Admin Template Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
Minimal elite Premium Admin Template Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Register, Lockscreen, Password, Error 404, and Maintenance.
Minimal elite Admin Templates Provides Color and it consists of Background colors, Gradient colors, SVG Img Background, Border colors, and Text Colors.
Minimal elite Dashboard Admin Template Provides Ribbons and it consists of Dark Ribbon, Primary Ribbon, Success Ribbon, Info Ribbon, Warning Ribbon, and Danger Ribbon.
Minimal elite Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Tabs and it consists of Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, Customtab2 Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab Icon, Tab with icon, Nav Pills Tabs, Nav Pills Tabs, Fill, Horizontal alignment, Horizontal alignment, Default Tab, and Custom tab Tab.
Layout Options
Minimal elite Premium Admin Template Provides Layout Options and it consists of Boxed, Fixed, and Collapsed Sidebar.
Minimal elite Admin Dashboard Templates Provides Emails and it consists of Welcome Email, Verify Email, Change Password, User Updates, Expired Card, and Closed Account.
Sample Pages
Minimal elite Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Sample Pages and it consists of Blank, Custom Scrolls, FAQ, Gallery, Invoice, Lightbox Popup, Pace, and Pricing.