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Bootstrap Admin Templates

Designing a Web Application with Bootstrap Admin Templates – Famosa Admin

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Famosa Bootstrap Admin Templates is a creative dashboard with CRM. CRM dashboards typically include the following components, CRM dashboard should display your sales The progress of all pending sales deals based on their stage. It should highlight in-progress deals, ageing leads, lost deals and urgent needs. Build a CRM UI framework to continuously monitor key metrics of your business, analyzing the results by key dimensions, like region, products, and time period. Add interactive charts that synthesize information into an easy-to-read format. 

To complement the charts, add tables that show record-level details. CRM Dashboard helps enhance customer relationships and loyalty by providing various business methodologies in sales, marketing and support. It looks at total users, customer demographics and new orders to optimize marketing campaigns. The goals of CRM Admin Dashboard Template are generally to create a better customer experience and because of that customer experience, to get more sales. The benefits of Famosa CRM dashboard is that it helps to increase sales by monitoring key stats on the dashboard. Detailed analytic and automated sales reports and better customer retention can be coded in the dashboard. CRM systems can also help improve internal communications so your entire team is on the same page when it comes to each lead and customer.


Dashboards of Famosa Admin

CRM Light Dashboard

CRM Admin Dashboard


CRM Dark Dashboard


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