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Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with Admin Dashboard UI Kit – Minimo Pro
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Dashboard is Build Better Application Bootstrap 4 & Bootstrap 3 Admin Template 70+ Integrated Plugins, 200+ HTML Pages, 1000+ Font Icons, 150+ UI Components, & much more…
The Most Beautiful Bootstrap Admin Template Don’t go by our Words, check out our awesome demos, and verify yourself. You will surely fall in love with the fresh design & brilliant code. Minimo Admin equiped with +100 html pages. A lot of common and most used pages and applications are developed for your ease.
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Dashboard has 5 types of dashboards and plenty of features that make it more useful. The Responsive Admin Dashboard shows new users, monthly sales, impressions, sales overview, sales graph, chat activity to keep you updated with all important details. The To-do list helps track all your pending work, sales rate, user registrations, new visitors, visitors, quick email, and 100+ HTML pages. All this information helps make your business information more informative and organized.
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Template is very unique and different from other related admin templates. It provides all the required business data to keep you updated all day long. The Premium Admin Template has more than 100+ features, and widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier. It works on all major web browsers, desktop, iPhone, iPad, tablet, and all other smartphone devices.
Minimo Pro Admin Template Comes with Extra pages in Invoice, Profile, Login, Register, Lockscreen, 404 Error, 500 Error, Blank Page, Pace Page.
The Dashboard of Minimo Pro Premium Admin Template Includes Sales Overview (All Events), Traffic resources, Product sale, Statistics.
Layout Options
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Templates Provides Boxed, Fixed, Collapsed Sidebar.
Minimo Pro Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Widgets, Weather.
Minimo Pro Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Area Chart, Line Chart, Donut Chart, Bar Chart.
Minimo Pro Responsive Web Application Kit Comes with Revenue Statistics, Sales Report, Analytics, Download Count.
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Web App Comes with Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Full Width Area Chart, Full Width Area Chart.
Inline Charts
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin HTML Comes with jQuery Knob Tron Style, jQuery Knob Different Sizes, jQuery Knob, Sparkline Pie, Sparkline line, Sparkline Bar, Sparkline examples.
UI Elements
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Provides Color Palette, Alerts, and Callouts, Custom Tabs, Progress Bars, Bootstrap Accordion & Carousel, Typography.
User Cards
Minimo Pro Admin Dashboard UI Kit Provides Card with Image, Fade-in effect, Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect.
Minimo Pro Dashboard Templates Provides Default Tab, Custom tab Tab, Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, Customtab2 Tab, Nav Pills Tabs, Nav Pills Tabs, Tab with icon, Custom tab vertical Tab Icon.
Minimo Pro Bootstrap UI Kit Provides Horizontal Button Group, Different colors, Vertical Button Group, Application Buttons, Social buttons Icon with Name, Split buttons, Button Addon.
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Templates Provides Bootstrap Range Slider, Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions.
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Provides Modals and it consists of Modal Examples, Large modal, Medium model, and Small model.
Minimo Pro Dashboard Template Provides Forms and it consists of General Elements, Advanced Elements, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, and Code Editor.
Simple Tables
Minimo Pro Admin Dashboard Template Provides Simple Tables and it consists of Basic Table, Table Hover, Bordered Table, Simple Full-Width Table, Striped Full Width Table Striped rows, and Responsive Hover Table.
Data Tables
Minimo Pro Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Data Tables and it consists of Data Table With Full Features, and Hover Export Data Table.
Google Map
Minimo Pro Bootstrap Templates Provides Google Map and it consists of Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, and Styled Map.
Vector Map
Minimo Pro Admin Panel Template Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
Sample Pages
Minimo Pro Admin Template Provides Sample Pages and it consists of Invoice, Profile, Gallery, login, Register, Lockscreen, 404 Error, 500 Error, Blank Page, and Pace Page.
Minimo Pro Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Provides Labels and it consists of Important, Warning, and Information.