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Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates

WebkitX LTR Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates with Bootstrap UI Kit

Reading Time: 4 minutes

WebkitX LTR Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates Comes with Progress bar, Spinner, Timeline, Timeline activity, User Cards, Sweet Alert, Notification, Advanced Medias, Badges, Dropdown grid, Dropdown menu, Dropdown, border, color, Draggable Portlet, Bootstrap Switch, Date Paginator, Horizontal Timeline, Nestable, and Ribbons.

Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates




LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap UI Kit Template Comes with a Calendar with draggable events. You can also add new events with timings and dates.

Contact List

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Panel Template Comes with a Contact list with All Contacts. You can also add a new label.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a Chat makes it easy for you to interact with fellow members of your business.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap Template Comes with a Project DashBoard, style1, style2, style3, upcoming, in progress, complete.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Web Application Kit Template Comes with a Mailbox. The mailbox enables you to communicate professionally with people.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Template Comes with Modals in Left Modal, Center Modal, Fill Modal, Right Modal, Large modal, Medium model, Small model.

Sweet Alert

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Comes with Sweet Alert Messages.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Admin Template Comes with a Toastr in Simple Toastr Alerts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts, Dismissable Alerts with title, Callouts.

Google Map

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Comes with a Google Map in Simple Basic Map, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, Styled Map.

Vector Map

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates Comes with a Vector Map in World Map.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Templates Comes with an Invoice page.

Invoice List

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Templates Comes with an Invoice list.

Support Ticket

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Support Ticket List page.

User Profile

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates Comes with a User Profile List.

Userlist grid

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Web Application Kit Templates Comes with a User List Grid.

User list

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates Comes With a User list.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap Templates Comes with a FAQs page.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates Comes with an Authentication in Login, Register, Lockscreen, Recover Password.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with a Miscellaneous in Error 404, Error 505, Maintenance.

Xeditable Editor

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Xeditable Editor Forms.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap Templates Comes with Dropzone Forms.

Code Editor

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a Code Editor Form.


Editable Tables

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Comes with an Editable Tables.

Table color

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a Table color in Primary Table, Success Table, Info Table, Warning Table, Danger Table, Inverse Table, Primary Table, Success Table, Background colors, Table row borders.

Bootstrap Switch

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Panel Template Comes with a Bootstrap Switch in Color, and Sizes.

Date Paginator

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Template Comes with a Date Paginator in Default, Large, Small, On select.

Advanced Medias

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Template Comes with an Advanced Medias.

Range Slider

LTR Dashboard WebkitX Template Comes with a Range Slider.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Template Comes with Ratings.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX ICO User Dashboard Template Comes with CSS3 Animations.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Dashboard Template Comes with a Fullscreen.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with a Pace.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap UI Kit Template Comes with a Nestable in Nestable 1, Nestable 2, and Nestable 3.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates Comes with Badges in Basic badge styling, Pill, Mono colors, Sizing, Dot badges, Ring badges.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX ICO Dashboard Template Comes with Buttons in Gradient Buttons, General Buttons, Light Buttons, Button with an outline, light Button with an outline, Rounded Buttons, Light Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Light Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Light Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Circle Buttons, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, Social Icon With Circle buttons, Application Buttons.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Template Comes with a Color in Background colors, Gradient colors, SVG Img Background, Border colors, Text colors.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Dropdown in Dropdown Basic, and Dropdown menu.

Dropdown Grid

LTR Dashboard WebkitX ICO User Dashboard Template Comes with a Dropdown Grid in Icons, Icons, and title, Color icons, Color icons and title, 2 cols, 4 cols, Disabled item, Active item.

Progress Bars

LTR Dashboard WebkitX ICO Dashboard Template Comes with Progress Bars in Progress Bars Different Sizes, Progress bars, Vertical Progress Bars Different Sizes, Vertical Progress bars.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Panel Template Comes with Icons in Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, Crypto coins Icons, Flag Icons, Weather Icons.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Template Comes with Ribbons in Dark Ribbon, Primary Ribbon, Success Ribbon, Info Ribbon, Warning Ribbon, Danger Ribbon.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates Comes with a Sliders in Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions, Image Slider, Image Slider thumbnails, Image carousel, Bootstrap Range Slider.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Template Comes with a Typography in Headlines, Heading with subtitle, Text Emphasis, Alignment text, Font weight and italics, Block Quotes, Block Quotes Pulled Right, Unordered List, Ordered Lists, Unstyled List, Description, Description Horizontal.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Admin Panel Template Comes with a Tabs in Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, Customtab2 Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab Icon, Tab with icon, Nav Pills Tabs, Nav Pills Tabs, Fill, Horizontal alignment, Default Tab, Custom tab Tab.


LTR Dashboard WebkitX Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Card in User Card, Advanced Card, Basic Card, Card Color, and Card Group.


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