Bootstrap Admin Template is the control center for any web-based application. It provides administrators with…
Crypto Dark LTR Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Crypto Dark LTR Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template are Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin and Bootstrap 4 Admin. Crypto Admin Bootstrap 5 Admin and Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates Comes with Timeline, Timeline activity, User Cards, Sweet Alert, Notification, Advanced Medias, Badges, Dropdown grid, Dropdown menu, Dropdown, Invoice, Profile, Login, Register, Lockscreen, Default inputs, Material inputs, success inputs, and warning inputs.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Template Comes with a Calendar with draggable events. You can also add new events with timings and dates.
Contact List
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Comes with a Contact list with All Contacts. You can also add a new label.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a Chat makes it easy for you to interact with fellow members of your business.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Template Comes with a Project DashBoard, style1, style2, style3, upcoming, in progress, complete.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Web Application Kit Template Comes with a Mailbox. The mailbox enables you to communicate professionally with people.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Templates Bootstrap Templates Comes with Transactions in Recent Blocks, Top Blocks, Latest Transactions.
Top Gainers/Losers
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Dashboard Templates Comes with a Top Gainers/Losers in Daily Update, Daily Top Gainers, Latest Transactions.
Market Capitalizations
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Web Application Kit Templates Comes with a Market Capitalizations.
Crypto Stats
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Templates Comes with Crypto Stats in Crypto Summary, Block Summary, Market Summary, Mining Cost, Transaction Summary.
Currency Exchange:
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with a Currency Exchange.
Members Grid
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Dashboard Templates Comes with a Members Grid.
Members List
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Web Application Kit Templates Comes with a Members List.
Members Profile
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates Comes with a Members Profile.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Template Comes with a Blog in Blog With Slider, Blog without image With Slider, Blog Style.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Pannel Template Comes with a Chart.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto ICO User Dashboard Template Comes with a List in Tasks Overview, People, Authors, Todo, Todo, Trends, Trends, Support Tickets, Branches list, Download Files, Recent Messages, Notifications, Recent Notifications, User activity, Recent comments, Recent posts, User list, Income List.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap UI Kit Template Comes with a Social in Advanced User Info, Minimal User Info, User Header, Social Networks Feed, Basic User Info, and Post Block.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with Emails in Welcome Email, Verify Email, Change Password, User Updates, Expired Card, Closed Account.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with Modals in Left Modal, Center Modal, Fill Modal, Right Modal, Large modal, Medium model, Small model.
Sweet Alert
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with Sweet Alert Messages.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with a Toastr in Simple Toastr Alerts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts, Dismissable Alerts with title, Callouts.
Google Map
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with a Google Map in Simple Basic Map, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, Styled Map.
Vector Map
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Template Comes with a Vector Map in World Map.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Templates Comes with an Invoice page.
Invoice List
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Dashboard Admin Templates Comes with an Invoice list.
Support Ticket
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Support Ticket List page.
User Profile
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates Comes with a User Profile List.
Userlist grid
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Web Application Kit Templates Comes with a User List Grid.
User list
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates Comes With a User list.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with a FAQs page.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin TemplateComes with an Authentication in Login, Register, Lockscreen, Recover Password.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with a Miscellaneous in Error 404, Error 505, Maintenance.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto ICO Admin Template Comes with a ChartJS in Radar Chart, Doughnut Chart, Pie Chart, Bubble Chart, Bar Chart, bar-chart-horizontal, Bar Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Line Chart, Polar Area Chart, Polar area Chart, Radar Chart.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Cryptocurrency Dashboard Template Comes with a Flot in Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart.
Inline charts
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Pannel Template Comes with Inline charts in Disable display input, Cursor mode, Display previous value, Angle offset and arc, Angle offset, 5-digit values, step 1000, Readonly, Angle offset and arc, Readonly, Readonly, Readonly, Sparkline examples, Sparkline Pie, Sparkline line, Sparkline Bar.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Template Comes with a Morris in Line Chart, Bar Chart, Donute Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Peity in Bar Chart, Updating Charts, Pie, Donut Chart, Line Chart.
Dark (LTR) Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template Comes with a Chartist in Advanced SMIL Animations, SVG Path animation, Animating a Donut with SVG. animate, Gauge Chart, Bi-polar Line chart with an area only, Line chart with the area, Bi-polar bar chart, stacked bar chart, Horizontal bar chart, Extreme responsive configuration, Simple line chart, Holes in data, Filled holes in data.
Rickshaw Chart
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Dashboard Admin Templates Comes with a Rickshaw Chart in Area Chart with Slider, Stacked Bar Charts, Realtime Charts.
NVD3 Charts
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Template Comes with an NVD3 Charts in Cumulative Line Chart, Stacked Area Charts, Stacked/Grouped Multi-Bar Chart.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Comes with an eChart in Traffic Types, Groth, Value, User Flow, Market Update, Daly Analysis, User Statistics, Marketing.
amCharts Charts
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a amCharts Charts in Simple Column Chart, Column and Line mix, Layered Column Chart, 3D Stacked Column Chart, Bar and line chart mix, Date-Based Data, Line Chart with Scroll and Zoom, Duration on Value Axis, Radar Chart, Polar Chart, Simple Pie Chart, Animated Time-Line Pie Chart, Mining Pool Shares.
amCharts Stock Charts
Dark (LTR) Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template Comes with an amCharts Stock Charts in Multiple Data Sets, Stock Events, Drawing Trend Lines, Intra-day Data, Multiple Panels.
amCharts Maps
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Template Comes with an amCharts Maps in Animations along lines, Map with curved lines, Zooming to Countries Map, Flight routes map, Grouped countries map, US heat (choropleth) map.
Xeditable Editor
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Xeditable Editor Forms.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with Dropzone Forms.
Code Editor
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a Code Editor Form.
Simple Tables
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Template Comes with a Simple Tables in Breakpoint specific, Responsive Hover Table, Default Table, Dark Table, Table head options, Table head options, Table Striped, Table dark Striped, Table bordered, Table Dark bordered, Table borderless, Table Dark borderless, Hoverable rows, Hoverable Dark Table rows, Small table, Small table.
Data Tables
Dark (LTR) Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template Comes with a Data Tables in Complex headers (rowspan and colspan), Individual column searching, Form inputs, Data Table With Full Features, Hover Export Data Table.
Editable Tables
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with a Comes with an Editable Tables.
Table color
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with a Table color in Primary Table, Success Table, Info Table, Warning Table, Danger Table, Inverse Table, Primary Table, Success Table, Background colors, Table row borders.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Dark Tickers, Light Tickers.
Live Crypto Prices
Dark (LTR) Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template Comes with a Crypto Currency Live Price Tables.
Bootstrap Switch
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Template Comes with a Bootstrap Switch in Color, Sizes.
Date Paginator
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Pannel Template Comes with a Date Paginator in Default, Large, Small, On select.
Advanced Medias
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto ICO User Dashboard Template Comes with an Advanced Medias.
Range Slider
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto UI Kit Template Comes with a Range Slider.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap Templates Comes with Ratings.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bootstrap UI Kit Template Comes with Animations.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Template Comes with a Card in User Card, Advanced Card, Basic Card, Card Color, Card Group.
Dark (LTR) Dashboard Crypto Admin Pannel Template Comes with Icons in Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, Crypto coins Icons, Flag Icons, Weather Icons.