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You Can Improve The Design of Your Website Without Affecting User-Experience
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The role of a web designer is to help a website stand out in the crowd. With so many websites out there, design or, more precisely, the visual elements of a website, are the ones that can influence the way users perceive a website. The best part about website design is that possibilities are endless and designers can find numerous ways that will help set themselves apart from all the rest. But, the downside is that trends in the web design sector change rather fast. When you think that a particular design is successful and works, something else emerges and you realize that it’s time to do something about it. When changes are not made in an adequate manner, user-experience can be affected. Learn how you can adjust your design and make it stand out each time, without affecting the experiences provided to users.
There’s nothing more frustrating, for a user, to realize that the website he or she used so often changed its design. For them, it means wasting time to figure out how the new website works and how to get their way around it. So, when you’re looking to change the design and make it pop out, you should consider the existing users as well, not the ones that are not here just yet and will discover your website in time. The idea is not to make brutal changes or continuously recycle the existing web designs, with the hope that the site will manage to follow the latest web design trends. Taking into account the speed at which these trends come and go, you will end up getting engaged in a never-ending battle. Unfortunately, in this battle, both the web designers and users are going to lose.
The recommendation is to take what already exists and change it in a way that will make user-experience enjoyable. The whole idea of revamping or refreshing the looks of a website is not to stun the user when he accesses the website, but to come up with a system that is easy to use and enhances user experience. So, it is possible to offer users a good degree of consistency, giving them the chance to enjoy the things that they were used to while adding new value to their lives and experiences. Bear in mind that the users your website or app has right now is due to the design that was there from the start. In other words, it is the design you use in the first place that brought you so many users. So, why make abrupt changes and leave everyone bedazzled? That’s not a smart approach at all.
So, as a conclusion, consider consistency and improving user experience each time you’re looking to change the existing design. There’s no need to make major changes in order to make your design stand out. This is possible with subtle methods as well. Just adjusting some colors and some elements of the design, you can come up with a fresher design that is respecting the new trends. Take the old and see how you can adapt it to the new while offering the same user-friendly environment that made your website and app so appreciated by everybody.
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