Efficiency is everything. Companies are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations, manage data better,…

Top Feature – Packed Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates for Web Apps
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS frameworks to build and maintain a unique and successful online presence. It has a simplified approach to design that adapts well to the mobile-first approach making it user-friendly. Since the time of its public release in 2011, Bootstrap has been a popular choice for front end development. Bootstrap 4 is the newest version and Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates can be used for any type of product, site, or application. Below is a list of some of the top Bootstrap Admin Templates which will take your admin dashboard to another level by adding style and many extra features.
Maximum is a modern, responsive Bootstrap 4 jQuery Dashboard Template. It comes with elements, widgets, and features bundled together for consistency, scalability, and modularity. Some of its top features include:
Amazing menus and fast search bars
Flexible and customizable headers and footers
Multipurpose and adaptable, so can fit in any web application.
Lion is a Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It is a complete solution for creating any type of Admin Dashboard. It displays all the content beautifully on all the devices and browsing platforms with its horizontal layout. Some key features of Fiori are :
It is responsive, flexible, retina-friendly
Cross-browser compatible
It allows you to choose from nine different available demos and over two hundred fully customizable components
Bootstrap Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template comes with 35 samples and 6 pre-designed color schemes, with which you can quickly define the final look and layout of your admin dashboard. It gives you the flexibility to choose from its horizontal and vertical layouts.
450+ components, more than 10 style cards to choose from, 5 icon packs, and various navigation menus
Different readymade pages for registration, login, etc
Solid and gradient colors and image backgrounds to alter the look of your web page.
Since the time of the public release of Bootstrap, back in 2011, it has been the preferred choice for front-end development and it takes your Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates one step further by adding style, color, and many other features to it.
UI Kit
- Badges
- Buttons
- Floating Action Buttons
- Carousel
- Modal
- Dropdown
- Dropdown menu
- Sortable
- Nav
- Breadcrumbs
- Pagination
- Alert
- Callout
- Tooltip
- Accordion
- Tab
- Process
- Progress bar
- Spinner
- Timeline
- Timeline activity
- User Cards
- Sweet Alert
- Notification
- Advanced Medias
- Badges
- Dropdown grid
- Dropdown menu
- Dropdown
- Border
- Color
- Draggable Portlet
- Bootstrap Switch
- Date Paginator
- Horizontal Timeline
- Nestable
- Ribbons
- ChartJS
- Morris
- Sparkline
- Flot
- Inline charts
- jQuery Knob
- Statistic
- Chat Box
- Social
- Weather
- Blog
- Chart widgets
- List widgets
- Social widgets
- Pricing tables
- Coming soon
- Live Chat
- Calendar
- Mailbox
- Taskboard
- Default inputs
- Material inputs
- success inputs
- warning inputs
- error inputs
- Combine inputs
- Custom checkboxes
- Custom radios
- Password strength
- Form layouts
- Color picker
- Date time selector
- Select picker
- Upload buttons
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- Code Editor
- Markdown
- Xeditable Editor
- Formatter
- Pre-made Forms
Extra pages
- Support Ticket
- Invoice
- Profile
- Login
- Register
- Lockscreen
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Blank Page
- Pace Page
- Recover password
- Maintenance
Student Dashboard & Online Education Dashboard
- Student Dashboard
- Membership
- Courses List
- Courses Categories
- Courses Details
- Blogs (4 Style Blog Pages)
- Blog Detail (8 Style Details pages)
- Widgets (50+ widgets)
- Typography
- About
- Invoice
- FAQs
- Testimonial (4 Style)
- Staff
- Contact
- Register & login (2 Style)
- Forgot Password
- Lock Screen
- Under Constructions
- 404
- 500
- Shop Categories
- Shop Cart
- Shop Checkout
- Shop Details
- Shop Orders
- Header (5 Style)
- Footer (6 styles)
- Search Bar (2 Style)
- Megamenu
- Sass base CSS
- Language Dropdown
- Currency Dropdown
- Videos
- Counter
- University Slider
- Vertical Slider