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LTR & RTL Style Dark Version Software Dashboard – EduLearn Admin

Reading Time: 6 minutes

EduLearn –  is a Powerful Software Dashboard crafted user interface for modern e Learning application site Bootstrap Admin Panel .  EduLearn  is suitable for educational web, LMS, Training Center, Courses Hub, College, Academy, University . It comes with a unique and modern menu and developed with latest trending techniques.

Education Software Ui Framework Dashboard Template front end HTML template a clean way to use the design for your dashboard projects. This can be used for admin dashboard Applications for your online applications.

If you want to increase your chances of effectively teaching your personnel, much planning and preparation must go into implementing a new learning management system. Here are a handful of the best practices for LMS Online Education Dashboard deployment to assist you remain on course. Keep the facts in mind and make sure that you pick the most appropriate accordingly.

EduLearn Admin

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EduLearn Admin – LTR Style Education Horizontal Dashboard – Dark

Creative Dashboard Design


EduLearn Admin – RTL Style LMS Dashboard – Dark


EduLearn Admin – LTR Style Education Mini Sidebar Dashboard – Dark


EduLearn Admin – RTL Style LMS Mini Sidebar Dashboard – Dark


EduLearn Admin – LTR Style Education Horizontal Dashboard – Dark


EduLearn Admin – RTL Style LMS Horizontal Dashboard – Dark




The Dashboard of Education Software Dashboard  Template Includes Popular Courses, Current Activity, Best Instructors, Top 5 School Performance, Overall Pass Percentage, Content Usage, Course completion, Upcoming Lessons, Notice board.


Basic Charts


Education LMS Dashboard Admin Template comes with Radar Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Donut Chart.

Flot chart

Education Bootstrap Admin Template comes with Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart.

Inline charts

LMS Online Education Courses Dashboard HTML Templates come with Disable display input, Cursor mode, Display previous value, Angle offset.

Morris chart

Education Online Education Courses Admin HTML Templates come with Line Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart.

Piety chart

Education Dashboard Template comes with Bar Chart, Updating Charts, Pie, Donut Chart, Line Chart.


Education Admin Dashboard Template comes with Extreme responsive configuration, a Simple line chart, Holes in data, Filled holes in data, Advanced SMIL Animations, SVG Path animation, Animating a Donut with SVG. animate, Gauge Chart, Bi-polar Line chart with an area only, Line chart with the area, Bi-polar bar chart, stacked bar chart, Horizontal bar chart.

Apex Chart

Education Premium Admin Template Comes with Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Column Chart, Pie Chart, Heatmap Chart, Mixed Chart, Candlestick Chart.

C3 Charts

Axis Chart

Education Responsive Admin Dashboard Template comes with X-axis timezone Chart, Rotated Axis Chart, Category Axis Chart, X-axis tick culling Chart, X-axis tick fitting Chart, Y-axis Chart, Range for Y-axis Chart.

Bar Chart

Education Software Dashboard Design Template comes with Bar Chart, Column Chart, Donut Chart, Pie Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Stacked Column Chart.

Data Chart

Education Bootstrap Admin Web App Template comes with Columns Oriented Data Chart, Category Data Chart, Data Color Chart, Data Order Chart, Row Oriented Data Chart.


Basic Charts

Education Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template comes with Rainfall, Basic Line Chart, Basic Area Chart, Stacked Line Chart, Stacked Area Chart, Gradient Line Chart.

Bar Charts

Education Online Education Courses Bootstrap HTML Templates come with Bar Basic Chart, Basic Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Stacked column Chart.

Pie Chart

LMS Software Dashboard Design Templates come with a Basic Pie chart, Basic Doughnut Chart, Customized Chart, Nested Pie Chart, Pole Chart, Nightingale Rose Chart, Bar Polar Stack Radial.


Education Premium Admin Template comes with Form Elements, Form Layout, Form Wizard, Form Validation, Formatter, Xeditable Editor, Dropzone, Code Editor, Editor, Markdown.


Simple Tables

Education LMS Dashboard Admin Template comes with Basic Table, Striped Rows, Condensed Table, Hoverable Rows, Bordered Table, Contextual Classes, Always responsive.

Data Tables

Education Responsive Admin Dashboard Template comes with Individual column searching, Complex headers (rowspan and colspan), Form inputs, Data Table With Full Features, Hover Export Data Table.

Editable Tables

Education  Software Dashboard  come with Editable with Datatable, Simple Editable table.

Table color

Education Bootstrap Admin HTML Template comes with Primary Table, Success Table, Info Table, Warning Table.


Education Online Education Courses HTML Templates Comes with Contact List and Todo.



Education Software Dashboard Design Template Comes with Blog, Chart, List, Social, Statistic, Weather, Widgets, and Emails.


Education Bootstrap 5 Admin Template comes with Google map and vector map.


Online Education Software Dashboard Templates Comes with Modals, Sweet alert, and Toastr.


Education Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Comes with Products, Products Cart, Products Edit, Products Checkout, Product Details, Product Orders.


Education Bootstrap Admin Template comes with Authentication in Login, Register, Lockscreen, Recover Password.


Education LMS Dashboard Admin Template comes with Miscellaneous in Error 404, Error 500, Maintenance.


User Card

Online Education Courses HTML Templates come with Card Style, Card title, Below card header, Multiple titles, Multiple footers, Special title treatment, Fade-in effect, Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect.

Basic Card

LMS Online Education Courses Dashboard HTML Templates comes with Basic Box without header, Box Title, Box Title size, Box Title in the header, Box Header without divider, Bold Title, Title and description, Title and side title, Title and subtitle, Bordered box, Shadowed box, Shadow on hover box, Transparent box, Box footer, Box footer, Box footer, Box footer, Box footer.

Card Color

Education Software Dashboard Design Template Comes with Background Color, Solid box header, Outline box, Bordery boxes.

Card Group

Education  Templates Comes with Grid cards, Groups Columns.



Education LMS Dashboard  Admin Template comes with Basic badge styling, Pill, Mono colors, Sizing, Dot badges, Ring badges.


Education Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template comes with Gradient Buttons, General Buttons, Light Buttons, Button with an outline, light Button with an outline, Rounded Buttons, Light Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Light Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Light Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Circle Buttons, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, Social Icon With Circle buttons, Application Buttons.


LMS Software Dashboard  come with Dropdown Basic, Dropdown menu.

Dropdown Grid

Education Premium Admin Template comes with Icons, Icons, and titles, Color icons, Color icons and titles, 2 cols, 4 cols, Disabled items, Active items.

Progress Bars

Education Bootstrap 5 Dashboard Template comes with Examples, Labels, Height, Backgrounds, Multiple bars, Striped, Animated stripes.


Education Responsive Admin Dashboard Template comes with Background colors, Light colors, Other colors, Gradient colors, SVG Img Background, SVG Background with Transparent color, Border colors, Text colors.


Education Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates comes with Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, Flag Icons, Weather Icons.

Custom UI


Education LMS Dashboard Admin Template comes with Dark Header, Primary Header, Success Header, Info Header, Warning Header, Danger Header.


Education Premium Admin Template comes with Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions, Image Slider, Image Slider thumbnails, Image carousel, Bootstrap Range Slider.


Online Education Courses HTML Templates come with Display headings, Headings, Inline text elements, Contextual Text Colors, Unordered, Ordered, Unstyled, Description list alignment, Block Quotes, Block Quotes Pulled Right.


Online Education Courses HTML Templates come with Default Tabs, Tabs Justified, Tabs Vertical Left, Tabs Vertical Right, Tabs Bordered, Tabs Bordered Justified.


LMS Software Dashboard  Templates Provides Components and it consists of Bootstrap Switch, Date Paginator, Advanced Medias, Range Slider, Ratings, Animations, Fullscreen, Pace, Nestable, and Draggable Portlets.


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