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Bootstrap Admin Templates

Integrating Charts and Graphs in Minimal elite Bootstrap Admin Templates

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Minimal Elite Bootstrap Admin Templates have two dashboards: material and analytical. They offer over 3000 icons, 75+ plugins, and 100+ features. Minimal Elite Admin provides a wealth of information in one platform. The product sold monitor tracks daily sales, while the net profit feature shows your total profit for the day. It also includes information on new customers, customer satisfaction, a yearly revenue graph, download count, current visitors from around the world, a world map, and today’s sales graph, which shows direct sales, online sales, and overall sales. Additionally, it provides social media statistics, information on recently launched or sold products, and direct chat functionality.

Minimal elite Bootstrap Templates dashboard has so many features that help to design websites according to business themes. Features include apps, mailbox, UI elements, widgets, layout options, box, charts, forms, tables, emails, and maps.


Dashboards of Minimal Elite Admin

Dashboard – Light


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