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EliteX Admin Dashboard and Bootstrap Admin Web App with Admin Dashboard UI Kit
Reading Time: 3 minutes
EliteX Admin Dashboard is fully responsive admin dashboard template for Data, Reports, analytical & eCommerce concept and theory. The Dashboard shows how much your store sales were in the current month
It is a unique dashboard with features visits, monthly revenue and performance tracking. We have developed this admin template by unique and minimal look of the CRM’s software. Bootstrap 4 latest with SASS. EliteX Admin Dashboard Template a clean way to use the design for your dashboard projects. This can be used for admin dashboard Applications for your online applications.
EliteX Admin Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Dashboard Web Application. The Admin HTML template can be used for online applications and softwares. Clean, Modern, New, Creative look for your application. This comes with SasS. A combination of Revenue, Orders, Visitors.
Notification and Sales Volume are creative new features.
You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets. Modern looking HTML Template on Bootstrap 4 latest platform.
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Main Dashboard
EliteX Admin Dashboard comes with Sales Overview, Budget section, Revenue Growth, Report Section, Sales Volume, Visitors, and More.
Chat App
The Chat app of EliteX Bootstrap Admin Panel makes it easy for you to interact with fellow members of your business.
TO -DO Check list
The todo list page of EliteX Responsive Web Application Kit contains Upcoming tasks, In progress tasks, Complete Tasks, and 3 different styles of boxes.
EliteX Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Calendar with draggable events. You can also add new events with timings and date.
EliteX – Dashboard Admin Templates comes with Mailbox. The mailbox enables you to communicate professionally with people.
EliteX – Dashboard Admin Templates comes with Radar Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Doughnut Chart, Pie Chart, Polar area Chart, Bubble Chart, Bar Chart.
Flot Charts
EliteX – Responsive Admin Templates comes with Radar Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart.
Inline Charts
EliteX – Dashboard Admin Templates comes with Sparkline Pie, Sparkline line, Sparkline Bar, Sparkline examples, jQuery Knob Tron Style, jQuery Knob Different Sizes.
Morris Charts
EliteX – Responsive Admin Templates comes with Download Count, Analytics, Revenue Statistics, Sales Report.
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Usefull Pages
The Usefull pages of EliteX Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with pages like Invoice, Invoice list, support Ticket, User Profile, User list Grid, and FAQs.
Extra Pages
The Sample pages of EliteX Admin Dashboard Template comes with pages like Blank, Coming Soon, Custom scrolls, Gallery, Lightbox Pop up, and Pricing page.
Buttons UI
EliteX – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin provides Button UI. Button UI Includes,
Horizontal Button Group
Different colors
Application Buttons
User card
EliteX – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides User card which consists of various effects such as Fade-in effect, Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect, etc.
Color Utilities
EliteX – Bootstrap Admin Template provides Color Utilities in which different type of Color such as Pale colors, Border colors, Text colors, etc are available.
EliteX – Admin Dashboard Template provides Dropdown, and it consists of Dropdown Basic, Dropdown menu.
General UI
EliteX – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides General UI. It consists of Alerts and Callouts, Custom Tabs, Progress Bars, Bootstrap Accordion & Carousel, etc.
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3000+ icons options are available in EliteX – Bootstrap Admin Templates
Advanced Media
EliteX – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Advanced media.
EliteX – Admin Dashboard Template provides Modals with examples like Large Modal, Centre Modal, Fill Modal and Right Modal
EliteX- Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Notification such as Simple Toaster Alerts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts.
EliteX – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Tabs such as Default Tab, Default Tab, Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, etc.
Advanced Box
EliteX – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Advanced Box which includes Box Search, Box Pagination, Multi elements, and more.
Basic Box
EliteX – Premium Admin Template comes with Basic Box. It includes box with the title, a box with title size, a box with title in the header, box without divider, and more.
Box Color
EliteX – Premium Admin Template comes with Box Color. It includes header colors like primary, secondary, success, info, warning and danger.
Google Map
EliteX – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template comes with Google Map.
Vector Map
EliteX – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template comes with Vector Map.