Managing and tracking multiple aspects of your business or service can often be a challenge,…
UniquePro – Bootstrap Admin Template & Web Apps
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UniquePro Dashboard
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Admin Templates comes with Dashboard. 5 Dashboard is included with sections like Social Ads Campaigns, Visit By Traffic Types, Revenue Statistics, User Statistics, Sales Overview and much more.
Contacts / Employee List
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Contacts / Employee List which contains their name, email, phone number, Designation, joining date, etc.
Support Ticket
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin provides Support Ticket List where you would be able to see Total tickets, Responded tickets, Resolved and pending tickets.
User Profile
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides User Profile. It includes the user’s social media, email, name, address with map, timeline and more.
Userlist grid
UniquePro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Userlist in Grid form with their brief information.
UniquePro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Userlist in list form with users name, social media, Designation and more.
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard comes with Mailbox with Labels like important, promotions and social.
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template provides Badges in UI Kit with pill shape, colors, different sizes, Dot badges, Ring badges and more.
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Border Utilities
You can add solid borders to an element using the following classes. You’re able to change the border color using border color utility classes.
Buttons UI
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Template provides Button UI. Button UI Includes general buttons, buttons with outline, Rounded buttons, Rounded Outline buttons, Button with icon, Button with dropdown, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, With Circle buttons, With rounded buttons, Different colors, Application Buttons, Split buttons and Button Addon.
Bootstrap Switch
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Premium Admin Template provides Bootstrap Switches with different colors and sizes which you can use as a checkbox.
User card
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides User card which consists of various effects such as Fade-in effect, Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect, etc.
Color Utilities
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Template provides Color Utilities in which different type of Color such as Pale colors, Border colors, Text colors, etc are available.
Date Paginator
A jQuery plugin which takes Twitter Bootstrap’s already great pagination component and injects a bit of date based magic. In the process creating a hugely simplified and modularised way of paging date based results in your application.
Date Paginator is 4 types such as Default, Large, Small and Onselect.
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Dropdown, and it consists of Dropdown Basic and Dropdown menu.Dropdown Basic has Default Dropdown, Dropdown with alignment, Dropup, Dropup with alignment, Dropdown No caret, and Dropdown with icon while Dropdown menu has Dropdown for header, divider, dropdown with icon,with badge, Disabled item dropdown, dropdown for disables item, active item, small and large.
Dropdown grid
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides a Dropdown in grid form,with icons,icons and title, color icons, color icons and title, 2 columns,4 columns, Disabled item and Active item.
General UI
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides General UI. It consists of Alerts and Callouts, Custom Tabs, Progress Bars, Typography, Bootstrap, Block Quotes, List Block, Descrption Block, Accordion & Carousel, etc.
3000+ icons options are available in Unique – Bootstrap Admin Template. The icons of font awesome, Glyphicons, Material icons and Themify icons.
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Advanced Media
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Advanced media.With time, Multiline description, Multiline description, Multiline with title, Multiline with title, Button actions, Link actions, Link actions, Text only, With icon, With icon – right, Vertically centered, Notification switch, Checkbox, Selectable, Avatar, Avatar and actions, Avatar and button, Iconic avatar, Iconic avatar with action
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides Modals. Includes large, medium, small, left, center, Fill, right modal and modal examples.Use this modal plugin to add dialogues to your site for lightboxes, user notifications, or completely custom content.
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Notification such as Alerts and Calllouts with Simple Toaster Alerts, Normal Alerts, and Dismissable Alerts.
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with Ribbons such as Ribbons default, Ribbons right align, Vertical ribbons, Bookmarked ribbons.
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Slider such as Bootstrap Range Slider, Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions, Bootstrap Range Slider with colors.
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Tabs such as Nav Pills Tabs Left, Nav Pills Tabs Right, Tab with icon, Customtab vertical Tab Icon, Default Tab, Customtab Tab, Vertical Tab, Customtab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown and Customtab2 Tab.
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Statistic widgets
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Statistic widgets.Countries, Users, Article, Income, Store Traffic, User Likes, Monthly Sales, Join Members, Today Likes and Comments, New Users, Revenue, Tasks and much more.
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Weather widgets.
Advanced Box
UniquePro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Advanced Box which includes Box button, Box progress, Box switch, Box search, Box pagination, Multi elements, Scrollable, With alert, With table, Box controls, Box slided up and Box options
Basic Box
UniquePro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Basic Box which includes Shadow on hover card, Transparent card, Box footer, With title, Title size, Title in header, Without divider, Bold Title, Title and description, Title and sidetitle, Title and subtitle, Bordered card, and Shadowed card.
Box Color
UniquePro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Box Color with Solid box header, Background Color, Pale Background Color, and Outline box
Google Map
UniquePro Admin – Responsive comes with Google Map which consists of Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, and Styled Map
Vector Map
UniquePro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template comes with Vector Map.
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UI Components
Bootstrap Switch Date Paginator Advanced Medias Modals Nestable Notification Draggable Portlets Sweet Alert Range Slider Ratings Animations
- Main Dashboard
Chart pages
- Transactions
- Top Gainers/Losers
- Market Capitalizations
- Distribution Countdown
- Roadmap/Timeline
- ICO Progress
- ICO Details
- ICO Listing
- ICO Listing Filters
- Currency Exchange
- Members Grid
- Members Profile
- Tickers
- Crypto Live Pricing
- Transactions Details
- Transactions Counter
- Boxed Layout
- Fixed Layout
- Sidebar Collapsed
- Inbox
- Compose
- Read Mail
- Advanced Form Elements
- Code Editor
- Markdown
- Editors
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- General Form Elements
- Mask Form Elements
- Pre-made Form
- X-Editable
- ChartJS
- Morris
- Sparkline
- Flot js
- Inline charts
- jQuery Knob
- Peity chart
- Chartist
- Rickshaw Chart
- NVD3 Charts
- eChart
- amCharts Charts
- amCharts Stock Charts
- amCharts Maps
- Blog Widgets
- Chart Widgets
- List Widgets
- Social Widgets
- Statistic Widgets
- Tiles Widgets
- Weather
- Widgets
UI Elements
- Badges
- Border utilities
- Buttons UI
- Bootstrap Switch
- User Cards
- Color utilities
- Date Paginator
- Dropdown
- Dropdown Grid
- General UI
- Icons
- Advanced Medias
- Modals
- Nestable
- Notification
- Draggable Portlets
- Ribbons
- Range Sliders and Carousel
- Notification Alert
- Tabs
- Timeline
- Horizontal Timeline
- Blank page
- Coming soon
- Custom Scrolls
- Gallery
- Lightbox Popup
- Pace page
- Pricing Table
- Blank page
- Invoice
- projects
- Chat
- Contct
- Support Ticket
- Event Calendar
- User Profile
- Userlist grid
- Userlist
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Basic Tables
- Data Tables
- Editable Tables
- Table coloring
- Popup Option