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40 Best and Popular Premium Admin Template of 2020 with Responsive Web Application Kit
Reading Time: 14 minutes
Premium Admin Template are a set of web pages, which are built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript that creates a user interface of the backend of a web application or website. These pre-built web pages are incorporated with the web app or website for doing backend tasks like tracking data, analyzing traffic or user visits, etc to the website. It is also used for the maintenance of the website to improve its performance.
For e.g., If you own a website then the options to log in, place an order, Add to cart, etc, takes place on the front end i.e on the customer side of the website. And if you want to manage all this data and want to analyze it, you have to do it from the backend of the website.
Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates with simple and clean design makes the task of maintaining the website easier. Check out the following 40 Amazing Admin Templates with Beautiful features.
WebkitX Premium Admin Template is a unique dashboard with features like Order, Revenue, Shopping, Sales visits, monthly revenue and performance tracking. We have developed this admin template by unique and minimal look of the CRM’s software. Bootstrap 4 latest with SASS. WebkitX Admin Dashboard Template a clean way to use the design for your dashboard projects. This can be used for admin dashboard Applications for your online applications.
Florence Analytical Dashboard is a fully Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates for Analysis of Data, and Reports with eCommerce concept, and theory. 12+ Variants Available with Dark, Light, and RTL Versions. Florence Admin Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Dashboard Web Application. The Admin HTML template can be used for online applications and software. Clean, Modern, New, Creative look for your application. This comes with SasS. A combination of Revenue, Orders, Visitors.
Venus X Admin
We have developed this VenusX Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin by the unique and minimal look of the CRM’s software. Bootstrap 4 latest with SASS. It is a unique dashboard with features visits, monthly revenue, and performance tracking. The Admin HTML template can be used for online applications and software. Clean, Modern, New, Creative look for your application. This comes with SasS and 6 Dashboards.
Crypto Tokenizer Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template
Crypto Tokenizer Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template UI Interface can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, ICO, Bitcoin Dashboards, Bitcoin and other current website applications, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, Stock chart, Stock Market, Business Analytics, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog, etc. Comes with 18 Admin Dashboards.
Master Admin
Master Admin comes with 9 Conceptual Dashboard and 50+ demos with Sass Application – Crypto – Corona Virus Dashboard – Crm – Real Estate – Mailing – File Manager – Subscription – Chat Application – Shopping And More. Master Responsive Admin Dashboard Template uniquely combines Revenue, Orders, and Visitors. Master Premium Admin Template is Fully responsive admin dashboard template for Data, Reports, analytical & eCommerce concept, and theory. The Dashboard shows how much your store sales were in the current month.
Lotus – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Lotus Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with 8 variants, 85+ Integrated Plugins, 150+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 4000+ Font Icons, 800+ UI Components & much more. It is a fully responsive admin dashboard template for Data analytical & eCommerce concept and theory. Lotus Admin Dashboard Template a clean way to use the design for your dashboard projects. This can be used for admin dashboard Applications for your online applications.
Pearl Bootstrap Admin Template
Pearl Premium Admin Template can be used for admin dashboard Applications for your clients and company. Pearl Admin Dashboard is Fully responsive admin dashboard template for Data analytical concept and theory. Pearl Admin – The Most Powerful Premium Admin Template comes in Dark, RTL, and White versions. It comes with 85+ Integrated Plugins, 125+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 4000+ Font Icons, 500+ UI Components & much more…
DashboardX Bootstrap Admin Template
DashboardX can be used for Dashboard Applications for your clients and company. It is a unique dashboard with features of income and performance tracking. We have developed this Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates by the unique and minimal look of the CRM’s software. Bootstrap 4.2 with SASS. This comes with SasS,125+ HTML Pages,450 UI Component,6 Dashboard, and much more…
VoiceX – Dashboard Admin Templates
VoiceX – Dashboard Admin Templates comes with 14+ Unique Dashboard and Total 28 Dashboard. It includes Material Dashboard, eCommerce Dashboard, Analytics Dashboard, Hospital Dashboard, Real Estate Dashboard, University Dashboard, and Food plaza Dashboard. It is Google Voice Search Ready. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets.
CrmX Admin Template
CrmX Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with 27+ Dashboard, 85+ Integrated Plugins, 700+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 4000+ Font Icons, 800+ UI Components & much more. It comes with Dark, light, RTL, and Horizontal versions. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, and all other smartphone devices.
Premium Admin Template – Hyper
Creating an expert looking dashboard for your site or application needn’t be costly. Thanks to this collection of the best free Premium Admin Template, you should be able to find a suitable user interface toolkit for your project. Hyper – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin has an Impressive Dashboard that makes customers stay longer time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comes with Total Average, Best-Selling Products, Top Sellers, Product Details, Earnings, Sales, and More.
Ekan Bootstrap Admin Templates
Ekan Bootstrap Admin Templates a fully Responsive Admin Dashboard with a huge number of elements that work to fit together and give a very smart look to your website. It consists of 5 Unique dashboards, equipped with 120+ HTML pages. A lot of common and most used pages and applications are developed for your ease with 6000+ icons, 600+ UI elements, and much more.
Ultimate Pro – Admin Panel and Bootstrap Admin Web App
Ultimate Pro E-Commerce Admin Panel and Bootstrap Admin Web App – A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework and modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. It is Lightweight and easily customizable, which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. It comes with Light & Dark Sidebar Skin, 85+ Integrated Plugins, 150+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 4000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components & much more included to make your work easier.
Bootstrap Admin Templates – Superieur
Superieur Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with 9+ Unique dashboards such as Main Dashboard, eCommerce Dashboard, CryptoCurrency Dashboard, Analytics Dashboard, Hospital Dashboard, Music Dashboard, and more. It can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, Saas, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog, etc.
Admin Dashboard Template – Fab
Fab Admin is Fully Responsive Admin Dashboard Template for job analytical data. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTMl template plugins and widgets. Modern looking HTML Template on Bootstrap 4 Stable platform. This will enhance your sales and help you in growing the business. It comes with many features and sections to make your work easy. With Light & Dark Sidebar Version, Horizontal Nav Version, Boxed Version, 75+ Integrated Plugins, 600+ HTML Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components, 9+ Dashboard & much more.
Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template
Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template with 31+ Crypto Dashboards, Light, Multicolour & Dark Versions, 85+ Integrated Plugins, 3000+ Font Icons, 550+ UI Components, & much more. The Dashboards includes sections like Bitcoin Graph, Quick Chart, Bitcoin Exchange ETH/BTC, Stock Target, Quick Email, Direct Chat, Data Tables Markets, Daily Analysis, Latest Transactions, Market Depth, and More.
Responsive Admin Dashboard Template – Lion
Lion– Responsive Admin Dashboard Template basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. It comes with 13 awesome dashboards to try different styles at once. It comes with RTL, Dark & Light Sidebar, 13 New Dashboard, 80+ Page Templates, 600+ UI Components, Lots of Chart Options, and much more.
Fox – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Fox is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with a modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. Fox can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc.
Maximum – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
A maximum is a Premium Admin template with a modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta and 3.3.7 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. It comes with 8 different Demos, Mega menu, Horizontal menu and much more.
Bonito – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Dashboard
Bonito Admin is a Premium Admin Template. Don’t go by our Words, Checkout awesome demos and verify yourself. You will surely fall in love with the fresh design & brilliant code. It comes with 7+ type Dashboard, 50+ Integrated Plugins, 50+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 250+ UI Components & much more.
Azurex – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Azurex is The Most Powerful Admin Bootstrap 4.2 Admin Template, with 50+ Integrated Plugins, 50+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 2000+ Font Icons, Many UI Components & much more. It is Light and Dark Sidebar Ready Dashboard, Also Responsive and Retina Ready for All Devices. And with Wide Range of components to add their functionalities for the perfect yield.
Qixa – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Qixa Admin Dashboard Template can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog, etc. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, and all other smartphone devices. It comes with 6 skins, 2000+ icons, 50+ plugins, and much more.
Bonito Pro – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates
Bonito Pro is a Premium Bootstrap Admin Template with HTML5 / CSS3, 6+ types of Dashboard, 50+ Integrated Plugins, 70+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 450+ UI Components & much more. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
Cross Admin – Multipurpose Bootstrap 3 Dashboard Template
Build Better Applications with Bootstrap 3 Admin Template. It comes with Light & Dark Sidebar Version, 4 dashboards, 50+ Integrated Plugins, HTML Pages, 1000+ Font Icons, 150+ UI Components, & much more. ross can be utilized by designer creating web applications like custom admin board, venture administration framework, administrator dashboard, application backend, CMS, Saas, CRM, business site, corporate, portfolio, blog, and so forth.
AIUI – Admin Dashboard Template & Web apps
AIUI – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template, 50+ Integrated Plugins, 50+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 2000+ Font Icons, Many UI Components & much more. With Light and Dark Sidebar Ready Dashboard. Also, it is Responsive and Retina Ready for All Devices. This admin is a creative display of analytical charts display and reports presentation. AIUI can be used by developers creating Advance dashboards with a modern user interface.
Bankio – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard & WebApp Templates
Bankio is Dashboard admin template for Banking and Cash statements. Bankio comes with mega menu and setting. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.2 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
Soft Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Soft Pro Admin Dashboard Template can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc. Soft Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4.1 Admin Template, UI and WebApp Template a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.1 Framework, modern web technology HTML5, and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable, which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
UniquePro – Bootstrap 4 Responsive Admin Templates & Web Apps Dashboard
Unique Pro is the Most beautiful Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It comes with 75+ Integrated Plugins, 100+ HTML Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components & much more. More than 1000+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smartphone devices.
Soft Material – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates Web Apps & UI Kit Dashboards
Soft Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It includes 10 dashboards, Light & Dark Sidebar Skin, Horizontal Nav Version, 75+ Integrated Plugins, 100+ HTML Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components & much more. Soft Material Admin is a Fully responsive admin dashboard template for job analytical data. Modern looking HTML Template on Bootstrap 4 Stable platform. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets.
A Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template, Dashboard & WebApp Template
The Most Beautiful & Premium Modular Design based Admin Dashboard Template – A Pro. It comes with Light & Dark Versions Demo Variations, 9 Dashboard Variations, 50+ Integrated Plugins, 350+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 300+ UI Components & much more. A Pro can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc.
Aries Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template
Aries Bootstrap 4 Admin Template with Light & Dark Versions Horizontal Nav Variations, 13 Dashboard Variations with RTL, 70+ Integrated Plugins, 550+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components & much more. Aries Admin is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with a modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3.
Minimal Lite – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Templates
Minimal Lite Bootstrap Admin Template with 7+ dashboard, Light & Dark Sidebar Version, Dark Version, Boxed Version, RTL Version, 75+ Integrated Plugins, 450+ HTML Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 450+ UI Components, & much more. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
Unique – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Templates
Unique – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template with 19+ Dashboard, Light & Dark Sidebar Version, Horizontal Nav Version, Dark Dashboard Version, RTL Dashboard Version,85+ Integrated Plugins, 1050+ HTML Pages, 4000+ Font Icons, 650+ UI Components, & much more. It includes dashboards like Crypto dashboard and Analytical dashboard.
Materiel – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template
Materiel Admin is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with a modern design concept. Campaign Stats for Quality monitoring. Yearly graph, sales, and reviews feature. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.x Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
Bx-Code Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Bx-Code Admin Panel with 50+ Integrated Plugins, 50+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 2000+ Font Icons, Many UI Components & much more. Light and Dark Sidebar Ready Dashboard | Responsive and Retina Ready for All Devices. Bx-Code Responsive Admin Dashboard Template is fully responsive admin dashboard template for job analytical data. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets.
Uicod – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard & WebApp Templates
Revenue and Sales Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates Uicod can be used by whole and retail industrial companies. The detail and summary of the Month view provide a business option to view how expenses are managed. Comes with a modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap Framework, modern web technology HTML5, and CSS3.
NeoX – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Web Apps
Neox Bootstrap 4 Admin Template comes with Light & Dark Sidebar Version, 75+ Integrated Plugins, 70+ HTML Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 350+ UI Components, & much more. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smartphone devices.
Minimal Art – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard & WebApp Templates
Minimal Art is a Premium Admin 4 Dashboard template with a modern design concept. It can be used by developers developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog, etc.
Minimal – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard & WebApp Templates
The Most Beautiful & Premium Modular Design based Admin Dashboard Template. Don’t go by our Words, checkout our awesome demos, and verify yourself. You will surely fall in love with the fresh design & brilliant code. Minimal Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + RTL, comes with Light & Dark Versions Demo Variations, 9 Dashboard Variations, 100+ Integrated Plugins, 350+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 300+ UI Components & much more.
Minimo Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4 & 3 Admin Dashboard Template
Build a better application with Minimo Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates. It includes 5 Unique Dashboards, 70+ Integrated Plugins, 200+ HTML Pages, 1000+ Font Icons, 150+ UI Components, & much more. Minimo can be used by developers developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, Saas, CRM, business website, corporate portfolio, blog, etc.
EliteX Admin – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template & User Interface
EliteX is one of the unique modern admin dashboard templates. Comes with 10 premium admin dashboard with high endless possibilities. 16 types of layout, 70+ Integrated Plugins, 1900+ HTML Pages (dark-light-RTL), Many Type of Charts, 6000+ Font Icons, Many UI Components & much more. Also, it is Light and Dark Dashboard Ready With RTL Dashboard, And Responsive and Retina Ready for All Devices.