A CRM dashboard is the heartbeat of your customer relationship management system. It’s where all…
All about Bootstrap Admin Templates
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Admin Templates are a collection of web pages that are created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JS libraries to create a user interface. This UI helps in the backend of a web application or a website.
These are basically pre-built pages that are integrated with the front-end for doing admin related tasks such as website maintenance, user and content management, installation, and configuration of software.
But admin templates also serve other purposes such as help you track visitor data, analytics traffic and also improve the overall performance of your application or your website.
For example, if your website has the option for users to log in and place an order or update some information, these tasks occur on the front end or the client-side.
To manage the data and take further action, you work on the back-end. It is important to have a user-friendly and visually appealing Dashboard Admin Template because it allows you to manage your website easily.
A well-defined, simple, and attractive Admin Panel makes it easier to manage websites, web applications, etc. One criterion that you must look for in a Bootstrap Admin Template is responsiveness.
There are tons of Premium Admin Templates that are responsive. Using these templates you can quickly get started with your web projects and applications.
Further, using Dashboard Admin Templates helps you build a UI at the back end to manage the workflow, review trends and data, and track the statistics. Admin templates also help you to manage the front-end better by quickly adding new components and functions, and adding fresh content among other features.
In fact, there is a lot you can achieve on the admin side of your website with the right template. Admin sites have powerful UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, and several other features that can be incredibly useful. Rather than spending your time building these components from scratch you can buy them and integrate them with your front end.
There is an overwhelming choice when it comes to free and Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin dashboard templates. Remember, an attractive and feature-rich template can make your website management task very easy.
MultiPurpose Admin Templates is our most advanced, best selling, and highest-rated Templates to date. Everything you would expect and more from one of the most popular Dashboard Admin Template related websites out there! www.multipurposethemes.com.
UI Kit
- Badges
- Buttons
- Floating Action Buttons
- Carousel
- Modal
- Dropdown
- Dropdown menu
- Sortable
- Nav
- Breadcrumbs
- Pagination
- Alert
- Callout
- Tooltip
- Accordion
- Tab
- Process
- Progress bar
- Spinner
- Timeline
- Timeline activity
- User Cards
- Sweet Alert
- Notification
- Advanced Medias
- Badges
- Dropdown grid
- Dropdown menu
- Dropdown
- Border
- Color
- Draggable Portlet
- Bootstrap Switch
- Date Paginator
- Horizontal Timeline
- Nestable
- Ribbons
- ChartJS
- Morris
- Sparkline
- Flot
- Inline charts
- jQuery Knob
- Statistic
- Chat Box
- Social
- Weather
- Blog
- Chart widgets
- List widgets
- Social widgets
- Pricing tables
- Coming soon
- Live Chat
- Calendar
- Mailbox
- Taskboard
- Default inputs
- Material inputs
- success inputs
- warning inputs
- error inputs
- Combine inputs
- Custom checkboxes
- Custom radios
- Password strength
- Form layouts
- Color picker
- Date time selector
- Select picker
- Upload buttons
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- Code Editor
- Markdown
- Xeditable Editor
- Formatter
- Pre-made Forms
Extra pages
- Support Ticket
- Invoice
- Profile
- Login
- Register
- Lockscreen
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Blank Page
- Pace Page
- Recover password
- Maintenance
Student Dashboard & Online Education Dashboard
- Student Dashboard
- Membership
- Courses List
- Courses Categories
- Courses Details
- Blogs (4 Style Blog Pages)
- Blog Detail (8 Style Details pages)
- Widgets (50+ widgets)
- Typography
- About
- Invoice
- FAQs
- Testimonial (4 Style)
- Staff
- Contact
- Register & login (2 Style)
- Forgot Password
- Lock Screen
- Under Constructions
- 404
- 500
- Shop Categories
- Shop Cart
- Shop Checkout
- Shop Details
- Shop Orders
- Header (5 Style)
- Footer (6 styles)
- Search Bar (2 Style)
- Megamenu
- Sass base CSS
- Language Dropdown
- Currency Dropdown
- Videos
- Counter
- University Slider
- Vertical Slider