Managing and tracking multiple aspects of your business or service can often be a challenge,…

Admin Dashboard Template UltimatePro E-Commerce
Reading Time: 7 minutes
UltimatePro E-Commerce Admin Dashboard Template A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework and modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3 is Lightweight and easy customizable, which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
Ultimate Pro E-Commerce Responsive Bootstrap 4 can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, Saas, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog, etc.
It is a Bootstrap 4.1 Admin Template, Light & Dark Sidebar Skin, 85+ Integrated Plugins, 150+ HTML Pages, Many Type of Charts, 4000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components & much more included to make your work easier.
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UltmatePro Admin Main Dashboard
Ultimate Pro Admin – Admin Dashboard Template comes Main Dashboard.It includes Product Sales, Daily Sales, Top Advertisers, Member Profit, profile, weather widget, Revenue, Sales Analytics, Earnings, and Yearly sales growth.
E-Commerce Dashboard
Ultimate Pro Admin –Admin Dashboard Template comes with E-commerce Dashboard which includes Analysis, Revenue Statistics, Order Recieved, Tax deduction, Revenue status, Top 10 Products Sale, and Invoice List with Description, Amount, Status and issue date.
Analytics dashboard
Ultimate Pro Admin – Admin Dashboard Template comes with Analytics Dashboard which includes New users graph, yearly sale Graph, impressions, today’s sales, sales overview, user statistics, social ads campaigns, weekly status, total revenue, total cost, total profit, goal completions, and last month income.
Hospital Dashboard
Ultimate Pro Admin – Dashboard Admin Template comes with Hospital Dashboard which includes Patient, Appointments, Lab & Radiology, Patients Overview, Daily Patients, Radiology List, Current Vitals, New Patient List, Appointment and more.
Contacts / Employee List
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Contacts / Employee List. You will see contact list, search bar, Move to and sort by feature, and labels like Work, Family, Friends, Private, where you can add your own labels as well.
Support Ticket
Ultimate Pro Admin – Admin Dashboard Template provides a Support Ticket List that comprises ID, Opened by, Customer e mail, subject, status, Assigned to and date. You could also analyse the number of tickets resolved and the number of tickets which are pending.
User Profile
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides User Profile.which has a user’s profile picture, following, followers, tweets, email, phone number, Address, social media on the right side and Timeline, activity, settings on the left side.
Userlist grid
Ultimate Pro Admin – Dashboard Admin Template comes with Userlist in grid form. It comprises brief information about the user like name, designation, social media,etc.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Userlist in list form where you could know who is online with their brief information.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Dashboard Admin Template comes with Mailbox has labels like important, Promotions and social. It enables a user to contact you professionally.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template provides Badges in UI Kit.The Badges comes with different shapes, sizes and colorss which you can use to make your website look refined.
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Border Utilities
You can add solid borders to an element using the given classes. You’re able to change the border color using border color utility classes.
Buttons UI
Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin provides Button UI. It includes General Buttons, Button with outline, Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Circle Buttons, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, Social Icon With Circle buttons and Social Icon With Circle buttons
Bootstrap Switch
Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Premium Admin Template provides Bootstrap Switches. They come with different shapes, sizes, and colors which you can use as a check box
Color Utilities
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Template provides Color Utilities in which different type of Color such as Background colors, Pale colors, Other colors, Gradient colors, gradient animet colors, SVG Img Background, SVG Background with Transparent color, Border colors, Text colors, and Hover colors
Date Paginator
A jQuery plugin which takes Twitter Bootstrap’s already great pagination component and injects a bit of date based magic. In the process creating a hugely simplified and modularised way of paging date based results in your application.
Date Paginator is 4 types such as Default, Large, Small, Onselect.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Dropdown, and it comprises Dropdown Basic(includes Default, Alignment, Dropup, Dropup alignment, No caret and with icon) and Dropdown Menu(includes Header, Divider, With icon, With badge, Disabled item and Active item)
Dropdown grid
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides a Dropdown grid. It is classified as Icons, Icons and title, Color icons, Color icons and title,2 columns,4 columns, Disabled item, and Active item
General UI
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides General UI. It consists of Alerts and Callouts, Custom Tabs, Progress Bars, Bootstrap Accordion & Carousel, etc.
3000+ icons options are available in Unique – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template.
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Advanced Media
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Advanced media.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides Modals. It consists of Left, Center, Fill, Right, Large, Medium, and Small modals with modal examples.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Notification such as Simple Toaster Alerts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts, Dismissable Alerts with title, and Callouts.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with Ribbons such as default Ribbons, Ribbons right align Vertical ribbons, and Bookmarked ribbons.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Slider such as Bootstrap Range Slider, Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel slider with indicators and Carousel Slider with captions.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Tabs such as Default Tab, Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, etc.Well designed tabs can give a better user experience and guide the user in a correct direction.
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Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Statistic widgets like Users, new users, today invoices, revenue, orders, visitors, counters and much more.
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Weather widgets.
Advanced Box
Ultimate Pro Admin – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Advanced Box. It includes Box slided up, Box options, Box button, Box progress, Box switch, Box search, Box pagination, Multi elements, Scrollable, With alert, With table and Box controls.
Basic Box
Ultimate Pro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Basic Box. It includes Basic Box without header, Box Title, Box Title size, Box Title in header, Box Header without divider, Bold Title, Title and description, Title and sidetitle, Title and subtitle, Bordered box, Shadowed box, Shadow on hover box and more.
Box Color
Ultimate Pro Admin – Premium Admin Template comes with Box Color. It has colors such as Background Color, Solid box header, Outline box, Pale Background Color, and Bordery box.