Minimal Cart Perfect OpenCart 3 Theme is built for fashion shops and similar websites. With the Beauty demo, you get a clean design with muted colors, helping you put the focus on your products. You can choose from different product card styles and edit various elements, including the add-to-cart button. Additionally, Minimal Cart has a header and footer builder that enables you to easily customize these sections. The theme also integrates with Elementor, allowing you to make further modifications to your site.

Minimal Cart – Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Minimal Cart – Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme OpenCart 3 Theme with simple and cool features. Designed for Fashion store, jewelry store, jewelry, lingerie, fashion designer clothes, cosmetic, beauty store, toys, furniture, kids, saloon, products, selling, buying, and Responsive Multipurpose stores. This OpenCart theme is suitable for small to medium business owners who have their online store. This theme can be used for Online shopping cart website to sell their products.
1. Fully Responsive Theme
This Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme comes with fit to all screen design, fully responsive which supports high-resolution displays of desktops to smaller viewports of mobile devices.
2. Responsive Slider
The slider is the best thing which Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme have come up with, it will help you to showcase your best products and offers to the visitors as soon as they enter on your website. If they like it, the offering becomes much better and eventually, it will increase your frequent sales.
3. Mobile Menu
Quick access link to mobile on your smartphones.
4. Six Home Page
Minimal Cart – Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme comes with 6 Home Page with a different type of Header.
5. Six Header Style
Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme provides 6 different header style.
6. Multiple Listing Layouts
Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme comes with Multiple Listing Layouts such as Grid Full Width, Grid sideBar, Listing sidebar.
7. Various Shop Layouts
Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart provides Various Shop Layouts such as a Left sidebar, Right sidebar, Full Width.
8. Drag & Drop Menu
Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart provides Drag $ Drop Menu.
9. Page Builder with Drag and Drop
Page builder gives the option to create your own homepage by simply using drag and drop features.
10. Mega Menu
Mega Menu module allows you to arrange many header menu items in different columns. Customers can easily receive a lot of information and images just by hovering your header menu.
11. Compatible with OPENCART Version 3.0.x
Minimal Cart – Multipurpose Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme is Compatible with OPENCART Version 3.0.x.
12. Products Tab Slider Module
Products Tab Slider Hover Effect OpenCart module allow show product on your homepage, each with a selection of products: Special Products, Latest Products, Best Seller Product, and Categories.
13. Custom Footer Module
Minimal Cart – Multipurpose Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme provides Custom Footer Module that includes social sharing icons, contact, etc.
14. Custom Header Contact Module
Minimal Cart – Multipurpose Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme provides Custom Header Contact Module, it means a user can easily contact you.
15. Newsletter Module
This module gives you to add/update/delete newsletters to send you via OpenCart and it gives a drop-down selection for added newsletters and it also gives you all details of your products.
16. Custom Banner Slider Module
Banners are pictures containing linkable images displayed in the storefront.Banners can be utilized to catch the customer’s eye. And It supported slider module so it’s quickly caught customer’s eye.
17. Brand Logo Slider Module
This means you can simply select the products by their manufacturers. By clicking on the name of a brand, viewer of your online store will continue to the page where every item created by that brand is present.
18. Multi-Currency Supported
Now you have a multi-currency feature that can help you shop online based on your currency.
19. Multilingual
Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme supports multiple language.
20. Latest Font Awesome Library
Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme supports Font Awesome Library.
21. Ajax Cart / Wishlist
It adds items to the shopping cart without reloading the page. This choice gives more convenient experience on your eCommerce store and encourages customers for more quick purchases.
22. Google Fonts Family
Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme comes with Google Fonts Family.
23. Product Image Zoom and Popup Gallery
You can zoom Product Image using + button.
24. User Friendly
Multipurpose Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme is User-Friendly.
25. Easy Documentation
Multipurpose Responsive eCommerce OpenCart 3 Theme is well documented.
26. Approx 25 Ready Shortcodes with Page Builder
OpenCart provides approx 25 ready shortcodes with page builder so you can create easily your page and layout.
27. Create Own Other Page Design for Other Pages
Create Own Other Page Design for Other Pages such as Account / Information / Contact Us / ETC…
28. Comparison of Products
Helps you to compare the different items and selects the one which comes with the better quality of clothes and other items. You can remove the item from that window itself if you don’t choose it.
29. Grid & List View Modes
This section will help the customer to view another element in a grid view or a list view as per their convenience. With that there will a description column also for the product details, add to cart option and another element.
30. Bottom To Top Button
Here comes the another UI element of the OpenCart multipurpose template which gives easy navigation to the customers. Once you reach the bottom you don’t have to scroll, by clicking the button only you will get back to the header.
31. Commenting System / Reviews
This feature will enable your clients to share their views about your products and rating to them on the basis five-star scale. With every rating and comment, your store will look more trustworthy to customers as it builds a strong relationship between you and the customers.
32. Social Media Sharing Feature
To drive more activity to your online store, our themes and templates include different online networks and sharing buttons. This will give your buyers a chance to follow you on social media networks and share your items with their friends online.
33. Featured Product section
Helps you to provide featured different items and selects the one which comes with the better quality of clothes and other items. You can remove the item from that window itself if you don’t choose it.
34. Products with discount feature
Opencart provides much product at a discounted rate.
35. support
Opencart provides 24H Support.
36. New Arrivals section
Add Products to latest products section.And show Home Page for new arrivals so, a user can show easily for your new launch products.
37. Client Say / Testimonial Module in Page Builder
Testimonial Module is the module for Responsive OpenCart 3 Theme by which customer can give their feedback on the site or product or any services.
38. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Friendly
OpenCart is the best SEO optimized platform, from meta title and description to modules it will allow us to manage everything manually. Other than that website loading speed is another thing which is always a point of concern in web development. It is more important now because it will help in good positioning in search engines as well as make a good impression towards users.opencart is SEO friendly.
New Features List
1. Size Chart
2. In Stock Icon
3. Checkbox and Radio Styling
4. Payment Option Image
5. Compact spacing home
6. HomePage Blog Excerpt
7. Feature Image in Blog
8. Side Bar
9. Number of views in Blog
10. Commenting Feature added in Blog