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Discover our Latest HRM Dashboard with our CRMi Admin Ui kit
Reading Time: 6 minutes
CRMi Admin ‘s HRM Dashboard is a modern Human Resource Management Dashboard Design based on Bootstrap 5 Ui Framework. CRMi is a simple, intelligent, and user-friendly solution that offers many kinds of technology modules to help in automating your human resource practices..
The CRM Ui Ux application typically integrates with other business systems and tools, streamlining processes and improving efficiency. By centralizing data and automating routine tasks, a CRM WebApps helps businesses better understand their customers, improve service, and drive strategic growth.
If you’re looking to Latest HRM Dashboard , try CRMi Admin Ui Kit. This HRMS Dashboard system has been created and manual HR work process. This Dashboard compatible with all major browsers, iPad, iPhone, Tablet, Android mobiles, and all other mobile devices.
CRMi Admin – HRM Dashboard
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CRMi Admin – LTR Style – HRM Dashboard – Dark
CRMi Admin – RTL Style – HRM Dashboard – Dark
CRMi Admin – LTR Style – HRM Mini Sidebar Dashboard -Light
CRMi Admin – RTL Style – HRM Mini Sidebar Dashboard -Dark
CRMi Admin – LTR Style – HRM Horizontal Dashboard -Light
CRMi Admin – RTL Style – HRM Horizontal Dashboard -Dark
The Dashboard of CRMi CRM Platform Dashboard Includes Projects, On-Going, Complete, Recent Activity, Revenue Analytics, Sales Analytics, Daily Orders, Agents Stats.
CRMi Creative Dashboard Design comes with Radar Chart, Doughnut Chart, Pie Chart, Bubble Chart, Bar Chart, bar-chart-horizontal, Bar Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Line Chart Polar Area Chart, Polar area Chart, Radar Chart.
Flot chart
CRMi Bootstrap Admin Template comes with Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart.
Inline charts
CRMi Bootstrap 5 Dashboard comes with Disable display input, Cursor mode, Display previous value, Angle offset and arc, Angle offset, 5-digit values, step 1000, Readonly, Angle offset and arc, Readonly, Readonly, Readonly, Sparkline examples, Sparkline Pie, Sparkline line, Sparkline Bar.
Morris chart
CRMi Bootstrap Templates come with Line Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart.
Piety chart
CRMi CRM UI framework Template comes with Bar Chart, Updating Charts, Pie, Donut Chart, Line Chart.
CRMi Admin Panel Dashboard comes with Advanced SMIL Animations, SVG Path animation, Animating a Donut with SVG. animate, Gauge Chart, Bi-polar Line chart with an area only, Line chart with the area, Bi-polar bar chart, stacked bar chart, Horizontal bar chart, Extreme responsive configuration, Simple line chart, Holes in data, Filled holes in data.
Axis Chart
CRMi Responsive Admin Dashboard Template comes with X-axis timezone Chart, Rotated Axis Chart, Category Axis Chart, X-axis tick culling Chart, X-axis tick fitting Chart, Y-axis Chart, Range for Y-axis Chart.
Bar Chart
CRMi Creative Dashboard Design Template comes with Bar Chart, Column Chart, Donut Chart, Pie Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Stacked Column Chart.
Data Chart
CRMi Creative Bootstrap Dashboard Template comes with Columns Oriented Data Chart, Category Data Chart, Data Color Chart, Data Order Chart, Row Oriented Data Chart.
Line Chart
CRMi CRM Platform Dashboard Template comes with Simple Line Chart, Area Chart, Spline Chart, Line Region Chart, Step Chart, Simple XY Line Chart, Multiple XY Line Chart.
Basic Charts
CRMi Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template comes with Rainfall, Basic Line Chart, Basic Area Chart, Stacked Line Chart, Stacked Area Chart, Gradient Line Chart.
Bar Charts
CRMi Creative Dashboard Design comes with Bar Basic Chart, Basic Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Stacked column Chart.
Pie & Doughnut Chart
CRMi Dashboard Ui Framework Template comes with Basic Pie chart, Basic Doughnut Chart, Customized Chart, Nested Pie Chart, Pole Chart, Nightingale Rose Chart, Bar Polar Stack Radial.
CRMi CRM Platform Dashboard Provides Calendar with draggable events. You can also add new events with timings and dates.
Contact List
CRMi Creative Bootstrap Dashboard Template comes with a Contact list with All Contacts. You can also add a new label.
CRMi Admin Panel Dashboard that come with Chat make it easy for you to interact with fellow members of your business.
CRMi Bootstrap UI Kit Template comes with Project DashBoard, style1, style2, style3, upcoming, in progress, complete.
CRMi Admin Dashboard Template comes with Mailbox. The mailbox enables you to communicate professionally with people.
CRMi Bootstrap Admin Templates come with Authentication in Login, Register, Lockscreen, Recover Password.
CRMi Creative Dashboard Design Template comes with Miscellaneous in Error 404, Error 500, Maintenance.
CRMi Creative Bootstrap Dashboard Template Provides Components and it consists of Bootstrap Switch, Date Paginator, Advanced Medias, Range Slider, Ratings, Animations, Fullscreen, Pace, Nestable, and Draggable Portlets.
CRMiCRM Platform Dashboard comes with Form Elements, Form Layout, Form Wizard, Form Validation, Formatter, Xeditable Editor, Dropzone, Code Editor, Editor, Markdown.
Simple Tables
CRMi Dashboard Ui Framework Template comes with Responsive Hover Table, Default Table, Dark Table, Table head options, Table head options, Table Striped, Table dark Striped, Table bordered, Table Dark bordered, Table borderless, Table Dark borderless, Hoverable rows, Hoverable Dark Table rows, Small table, Small table.
Data Tables
CRMi Responsive Admin Dashboard Template comes with Individual column searching, Complex headers (rowspan and colspan), Form inputs, Data Table With Full Features, Hover Export Data Table.
Editable Tables
CRMi CRM UI framework Templates come with Editable with Datatable, Simple Editable table.
Table color
CRMi Admin Panel Dashboard comes with Primary Table, Success Table, Info Table, Warning Table, Danger Table, Inverse Table, Primary Table, Success Table, Background colors, Table row borders.
User Card
CRMi Dashboard Admin Templates come with Card Style, Card title, Below card header, Multiple titles, Multiple footers, Special title treatment, Fade-in effect, Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect.
Advanced Card
CRMi CRM Platform Dashboard Template comes with Box progress, Box switch, Box search, Box slid up, Box options, Box button, Box pagination, Multi elements, Scrollable, With the alert, With table, Box controls.
Basic Card
CRMi Bootstrap Templates comes with Basic Box without header, Box Title, Box Title size, Box Title in the header, Box Header without divider, Bold Title, Title and description, Title and side title, Title and subtitle, Bordered box, Shadowed box, Shadow on hover box, Transparent box, Box footer, Box footer, Box footer, Box footer, Box footer.
CRMi Bootstrap 5 Dashboard comes with Basic badge styling, Pill, Mono colors, Sizing, Dot badges, Ring badges.
CRMi Admin Creative Bootstrap Dashboard Template comes with Gradient Buttons, General Buttons, Light Buttons, Button with an outline, light Button with an outline, Rounded Buttons, Light Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Light Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Light Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Circle Buttons, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, Social Icon With Circle buttons, Application Buttons.
CRMi Admin Panel Dashboard comes with Background colors, Light colors, Other colors, Gradient colors, SVG Img Background, SVG Background with Transparent color, Border colors, Text colors.
CRMi Admin CRM UI framework Templates comes with Dropdown Basic, Dropup alignment, Dropdown menu.
Dropdown Grid
CRMi Dashboard Templates come with Icons, Icons, and title, Color icons, Color icons and title, 2 cols, 4 cols, Disabled item, Active item.
Progress Bars
CRMi Admin Template comes with Progress Bars Different Sizes, Progress bars, Vertical Progress Bars Different Sizes, Vertical Progress bars.
CRMi Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates comes with Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, Crypto coins Icons, Flag Icons, Weather Icons.
CRMi Admin Creative Bootstrap Dashboard Template comes with Dark Ribbon, Primary Ribbon, Success Ribbon, Info Ribbon, Warning Ribbon, Danger Ribbon.
CRMi Admin Panel Dashboard comes with Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions, Image Slider, Image Slider thumbnails, Image carousel, Bootstrap
Range Slider.
CRMi Responsive Dashboard Ui Framework Template comes with Headlines, Heading with subtitle, Text Emphasis, Alignment text, Font weight and italics, Block Quotes, Block Quotes Pulled Right, Unordered List, Ordered Lists, Unstyled List, Description, Description Horizontal.
CRMi Creative Dashboard Design comes with Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, Customtab2 Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab Icon, Tab with icon, Nav Pills Tabs, Fill, Horizontal alignment, Default Tab, Custom tab Tab.
Why our templates?
⦁ Ideal for Software UI Interface: With a professional responsive tool design, you can transform your thoughts into incredible products.
⦁ Nicely created code: Components and models, including lots of factors that will help you customize this Admin Template with ease.
The CRM Dashboard design quality is superb. I recommend this product!
Feels good to hear this from you. thanks for Purchasing Bootstrap 5 Amdin Template
The best part about this CRM Admin Dashboard template is its all-time great design!
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The CRM Admin Dashboard Template is so authentic and easy to implement.
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The Bootstrap template looks great with a multi-colour layout.
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This is the next level CRM Dashboard. I really loved it.
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The best CRM Admin Dashboard Template I’ve ever bought
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All the templates are visually appealing and well-structured.
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Very good design with excellent usability for the Bootstrap admin template.
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