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Analytical Dashboard

Minimal elite Analytical Dashboard: Monitoring Sales, Engagement, and More

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Minimal Elite Admin has 2 dashboards: Material and Analytical Dashboard. These dashboards are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of data from various sources. They are particularly useful for monitoring, measuring, and analyzing relevant data in key areas. The Analytical Dashboard allows users to monitor performance metrics in real time, offering insights into key performance indicators such as sales figures, customer engagement, and website traffic.

In the Minimal Elite Admin Panel, the Analytical dashboard displays social ads campaigns, yearly sales, online users, monthly orders, monthly users, current server loading, ads and promo graph, popularity, search traffic, monthly sales, total product sales, and order list. All this information is available on one dashboard, making it useful for monitoring monthly and daily sales, customer engagement, and more. Additionally, the minimal elite dashboard offers over 100 features, making it even more useful and unique.



Dashboards of Minimal Elite Admin

Analytical – Light


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