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Build Web Project Tasks with a Bootstrap Admin Web App – VoiceX Admin
Reading Time: 9 minutes
Admin Voice Admin is a fully responsive Bootstrap Admin Web App for Multiple Business Web Project. Our HTML template plugins and widgets allow you to easily track and analyze your job statistics. With a modern-looking design on the Bootstrap 5.2 platform, VoiceX has been meticulously crafted to provide you with the most premium experience possible. We have taken great care to ensure that VoiceX meets all your needs and functions seamlessly on all devices. By using our Bootstrap Admin Web App, you can save both time and money.
VoiceX is a powerful, rich, and flexible Creative Admin Dashboard UI Kit. It is well-coded and designed to be easily customizable. With unique features like Voice Search and quick search, this admin template stands out. Its clean, modern, and stunning design will attract and engage your website visitors.
VoiceX is a responsive Admin UI Framework Web Application. This Admin HTML template is perfect for online applications and software. It offers a clean, modern, new, and creative look for your application, along with SaaS capabilities. Our Software Ui Framework Template allows you to build the perfect apps and pages, while also highlighting your business insights with pre-built basic cards. It is developer-friendly and highly customizable.
CRM Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s CRM Dashboard is a business styled flat CRM Ui Framework developed using latest Bootstrap 5 framework. This flat CRM Admin Panel comes with unique dashboard style, pages packed with hundreds of components varying from forms, tables, charts, modals and much more.
Having a solid modular architecture and using latest front-end technologies VoiceX becomes the first choice for your next Admin Panel Dashboard.
Material Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s Material Dashboard is our newest Software Ui Framework based on Bootstrap 5 Framework. If you’re a developer looking to create Modern Dashboard Design that is developer-friendly, rich with features, and highly customizable, here is your match. Our Creative Bootstrap 5 Dashboard comes with a beautiful design inspired by Google’s Material Design and it will help you create stunning websites & web apps to delight your clients.
This Material Software Dashboard is coming with Amazing Features, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.
E-Commerce Dashboard
Our VoiceX Admin’s E-Commerce Admin Dashboard! We are created through collaboration with an external ux-ui team. It has been specifically designed to look and feel premium. But behind the good looks is a light and simple code that can be easily modified to meet your needs. VoiceX Admin has many sample pages that you can easily, It also contains detailed documentation.
The cross-browser compatibility of this WebApp Template is also worth mentioning. Pages for pricing tables, orders, and invoices are also included in this template, extremely important when designing e-commerce Applications.
Analytics Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s Analytical Dashboard provides marketing performance metrics at a quick glance to help you gauge the success of your campaigns. Track key metrics in order to drive marketing decisions and goals. It has a mega-collection of features that can help use this admin template for Small to Medium and Large projects, including eCommerce, Project Management, Analytics, and CRM.
The multipurpose feature of the Bootstrap 5 Admin Panel will allow for the integration of different business projects. VoiceX Admin offers a creative and easy way to develop the admin backend for your next exciting Web projects.
Hospital Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s Hospital Dashboard is a Powerful Medical Ui Kit from Bootstrap 5 Framework that you can use in your project right away. It comes with a dedicated healthcare dashboard layout that you can customize, but it’s only available in the premium version of the Dashboard Template. However, the free version is more than enough if you know what you’re doing. If you like the code, and we’re sure you will, consider upgrading to the premium version to get the medical dashboard layout which you can then customize as per your need.
This Responsive Web Application Kit has been created for the sole purpose of reducing development time and costs. The most effective way to get yourself a dashboard is to get Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin.
Real Estate Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s Real Estate Dashboard is a cutting-edge real estate or Properties web application designed with Ux-Ui Design, its sleek and modern design, Teghomes offers a seamless user experience that caters to the needs of both real estate agents and potential property buyers. Users can effortlessly browse through the listings, filter properties based on their preferences, and compare multiple properties side by side.
The application’s design is crafted with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that users can navigate through the platform effortlessly. The intuitive interface allows users to easily explore the extensive property listings and access various features and functionalities with just a few clicks.
University Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s University is a Bootstrap 5 Material Design admin template for University, School, College and all types of education fields. It is helpful for admin staff for manage Professors, Students, Staff Members, Library, Course, Department, Holiday, Events, Financial activity and many more.
This Responsive Admin Templates is compatible with every modern browser, any device, and any screen size. This Bootstrap 5 Admin Panel Template includes many plugins which implemented in 100+ Separate HTML files. It is designed to be a complete admin panel for any web project.
Foodplaza Dashboard
VoiceX Admin’s Foodplaza Dashboard is advanced Restaurant food Dashboard designed for easy and efficient management of Food web applications. Built with Bootstrap 5, it provides a modern and responsive interface that can be customized to fit your brand. This Restaurant Software Dashboard includes a powerful admin panel that allows you to monitor key metrics, manage user access, and maintain your site’s performance. With its intuitive design and robust features, This Restaurant Dashboards Templates is the perfect tool for streamlining your workflow and enhancing your web presence.
Whether you’re working on a project for yourself or for your clients, This Responsive Admin Templates has everything you need to create beautiful, functional application with ease. With its intuitive user interface and robust feature set, Dashboard UI Design is the perfect choice for anyone looking to take their web development skills to the next level.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides and it consists of Traffic Source, everyday Reports, Revenue, Zone reports, Revenue reports, Order List, Chat With Clients, and Top Branches.
Layout Options
VoiceX Premium Admin Template Provides Layout Options and it consists of Boxed, Fixed.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Template Provides Contact and it consists of a Chat app, Contact / Employee, Userlist Grid, and
VoiceX Dashboard Admin Template Provides Extra and it consists of Support Ticket, Calendar, Profile, and Project Dashboard.
VoiceX Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Icons and consists of Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, CryptoCoins Icons, Flag Icons, and Weather Icons.
Ecommerce Pages
VoiceX Dashboard UI Design Provides Ecommerce Pages and it consists of Products, Products Cart, Products Edit, Product Details, Product Orders, and Products Checkout.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Web App Template Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Login 2, Register, Register 2, Lockscreen, and Recover Password.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Templates Template Provides Invoice and it consists of Invoice and Invoice List.
Error Pages
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Provides Error Pages and it consists of Error 400, Error 403, Error 404, Error 500, Error 503, and Maintenance.
Sample Pages
VoiceX Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Sample Pages and it consists of Blank, Coming Soon, Custom Scrolls, FAQ, Gallery, Lightbox Popup, and Pricing.
VoiceX Bootstrap UI framework Provides Emails and it consists of Welcome Email, Verify Email, Change Password, User Updates, Expired Card, and Closed Account.
Google Map
VoiceX Software Design Dashboards Template Provides Google Map and it consists of a Simple Basic Map, Market with Info Window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, and Styled Map.
Vector Map
VoiceX Admin Dashboard UI Kit Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
VoiceX Admin Panel Template Provides an Extension and it consists of Fullscreen and Pace.
VoiceX Premium Creative Dashboard Design Provides Components and it consists of Bootstrap Switch, Date Paginator, Advanced Medias, Modals, Nestable, Notification, Draggable Portlets, Sweet Alert, Range Slider, Ratings, and Animations.
Box Cards
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides Box Cards and it consists of User Card, Advanced Card, Basic Card, Card Color, and Card Group.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin HTML Template Comes with :
- ChartJS in Radar Chart
- Doughnut ChartPie Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Bar Chart
- Bar-Chart-Horizontal
- Bar Chart
- Line Chart
- Polar Area Chart
- Radar Chart
VoiceX Software Design Dashboards Template Comes with Flot in Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, and Donut Chart.
Inline charts
VoiceX Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with :
- Inline charts in Disable display input
- Cursor mode
- Display previous value
- Angle offset and arc
- Angle offset
- 5-digit values
- Angle offset and arc
- Sparkline examples
- Sparkline Pie
- Sparkline line
- Sparkline Bar
VoiceX Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Comes with Morris in Line Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, and Area Chart.
VoiceX Creative Bootstrap Dashboard Comes with Piety in Bar Chart, Updating Charts, Pie, Donut Chart, and Line Chart.
VoiceX Bootstrap Templates Come with :
- Chartist in Advanced SMIL Animations
- SVG Path animation
- Animating a Donut with SVG
- Gauge Chart
- Bi-polar Line chart with the area only
- Line chart with the area
- Bi-polar bar chart
- stacked bar chart
- Horizontal bar chart
- Extreme responsive configuration
- Simple line chart
- Holes in data
- Filled holes in data
C3 Charts
Axis Chart
VoiceX Creative Dashboard Design Templates Come with Axis Chart in X-axis timezone Chart, Y-axis Chart, Range for Y-axis Chart, Rotated Axis Chart, Category Axis Chart, X-axis tick culling Chart, and X-axis tick fitting Chart.
Bar Chart
VoiceX Admin Dashboard UI Kit Templates Come with Bar Chart in Bar Chart, Column Chart, Donut Chart, Pie Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, and Stacked Column Chart.
Data Chart
VoiceX Bootstrap UI Kit Templates Comes with Data Chart in Columns Oriented Data Chart, Category Data Chart, Data Color Chart, Data Order Chart, and Row Oriented Data Chart.
C3 Line Chart
VoiceX Admin Dashboard TemplateCome with Line Chart in Simple Line Chart, Area Chart, Spline Chart, Line Region Chart, Step Chart, Simple XY Line Chart, and Multiple XY Line Chart.
Basic Charts
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template comes with Basic charts in Rainfall, Basic Line Chart, Basic Area Chart, Stacked Line Chart, Stacked Area Chart, and Gradient Line Chart.
Bar Charts
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Web App comes with Bar charts in Bar Basic Chart, Basic Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Stacked column Chart.
Pie & Doughnut Charts
VoiceX Admin Dashboard Template comes with Pie & Doughnut charts in Basic Pie chart, Basic Doughnut Chart, Customized Chart, Nested Pie Chart, Pole Chart, Nightingale Rose Chart, Bar Polar Stack Radial.
VoiceX Premium Creative Dashboard Design Provides Widgets and it consists of Blog, Chart, List, Social, Statistic, Weather, and Widgets.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Templates Provides Forms and it consists of Advanced Elements, Code Editor, Markdown, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, General Elements, Formatter, Xeditable Editor, and Dropzone.
VoiceX Admin Dashboard Template Provides Tables and it consists of Simple Tables, Data Tables, Editable Tables, and Table colors.
UI Elements
VoiceX Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Badges and it consists of Basic badge styling, Pill, Mono colors, Sizing, Dot badges, and Ring badges.
VoiceX Admin Dashboard UI Kit Provides Buttons and it consists of :
- General Buttons
- Button with an outline
- Rounded Buttons
- Rounded Outline Buttons
- Button Sizes
- Flat Buttons
- Buttons with icons
- Split buttons
- buttons with dropdowns
- Circle Buttons
- Horizontal Button Group
- Vertical Button Group
- Social buttons Icon with Name
- Social buttons Icon
- Social Icon With Circle buttons
- Application Buttons
VoiceX Software Design Dashboards Template Provides Color and it consists of Background colors, Gradient colors, SVG Img Background, Border colors, and Text colors.
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Provides Dropdown and it consists of Dropdown Basic, and Dropdown menu.
VoiceX Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Ribbons and it consists of Dark Ribbon, Primary Ribbon, Success Ribbon, Info Ribbon, Warning Ribbon, and Danger Ribbon.
Dropdown Grid
VoiceX Bootstrap 5 Ui Framework Provides Dropdown Grid and it consists of Icons, Icons and title, Color icons, Color icons and title, 2 cols, 4 cols, Disabled item, and Active item.
Progress Bars
VoiceX Admin Panel Template Provides Progress Bars and it consists of Progress Bars for Different Sizes, Progress bars, Vertical Progress Bars of Different Sizes, and Vertical Progress bars.
VoiceX Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Template Provides Sliders and it consists of :
- Carousel Slider Only Slide
- Carousel Slider with Controls
- Carousel Slider with Indicators
- Carousel Slider With captions
- Image Slider
- Image Slider thumbnails
- Image carousel, and Bootstrap Range Slider
VoiceX Bootstrap Admin Web App Template Provides Typography and it consists of :
- Headlines
- Text Emphasis
- Heading with subtitle
- Alignment text
- Font weight
- Italics
- Block Quotes
- Block Quotes Pulled Right
- Unordered List
- Ordered Lists
- Unstyled List
- Description
- Description Horizontal
Tags – Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin, Bootstrap 5 Admin Template, Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard, Bootstrap 5 Dashboard, Bootstrap 5 Admin Panel, Dashboard UI Design, Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates, Bootstrap 5 Ui Kit
Perfect, thanks. By the way, Voice x Bootstrap 5 Admin Template is fantastic. easy to use and easy to understand.
Thank you so much .please check our website
Remarkable layouts in the Voice x Responsive Web Application Kit and easy-to-use templates
We truly appreciate it. Thank you!
I had never seen any type of Software Ui Framework before, and I just loved your work!
thanks for your loyal support
Absolutely wonderful-if you want a perfect designed Bootstrap Admin Panel, this is it!
thanks for support
Great Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates of Voicex Admin. I really enjoyed it. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for being our valued patronage.We are so obligated and hope we met your forecast.
Wow, nice Admin Voice x Software Dashboard Design. Thank you so much for the effort..
satisfied to know that you are secure with it.. Thankyou
A very good voice x Reponsive Admin Template. You helped me a lot. Thank you and keep it up!
thank yo so much you are most welcome
I never thought that this Voicex WebApp Templates from this website was going to be so great.
Thanks for such a warm comment! We really appreciate for you
Very detailed work is seen in each of the Voice x Bootstrap 5 Admin Template.
Thank you for Your valuable response!
I enjoyed the work and am grateful for the Dashboard Design of VoiceX Admin.
Please accept my deepest thanks.