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You Should Definitely Check Out The Fab Real Estate Dashboard. It Is A Fully Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template For Job Analytical Data.

Fab – Real Estate Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Reading Time: 6 minutes

If you own a construction business, real estate business or even a beginner in such business. Then You should definitely check out the Fab Real Estate Dashboard. It is a fully responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard for job analytical data. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets.

This will enhance your sales and help you in the growth of your business. It comes with many features and sections to make your work easy.

Some out of many useful features of Fab are enlisted below.

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Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Responsive Admin Templates come with music Dashboard. It comes with Recent Inquery, Booking Status, Revenue Statistics, Project Sales, Top Agent, Direct Chat, and Daily Inquiry.

Contacts / Employee List

Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Contacts / Employee List. You will see Contacts / Employee List on the Left side with move to, sort by and favourite feature and search on the Right side.

Support Ticket

Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Support Ticket List. You will see Total Tickets, Responded, Resolve, Pending tickets with their date and name of the person it is assigned to.

User Profile

Premium Admin Template


Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides User Profile which comprises all necessary details about the user like name, mail id, social media and more.

Userlist grid

Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Premium Admin Template comes with Userlist grid. You will see user list in grid view with social sharing icons.


Bootstrap Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Premium Admin Template comes with Userlist. You will see Userlist of users in list view with social sharing icons.


Bootstrap Admin Template

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard comes with Mailbox.


Dashboard Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template provides Badges in UI Kit. Badges such as Basic, Pill, More colors, Dot badges, Ring Badges and much more.

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Border Utilities

Crypto Admin Templates

You can add solid borders to an element using the given classes. You’re able to change the border color using border color utility classes.

Buttons UI

Admin Templates Bootstrap

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Button UI. Button UI Includes, General Buttons, buttons with outline, Rounded buttons, Rounded buttons with outline and more.


Bootstrap Switch

Admin Dashboard Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template provides Bootstrap Switch for primary, secondary, info, Danger, Success and warning with different colors and sizes.

User card

Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides User card which consists of various effects such as Fade-in effect, Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect, etc.

Color Utilities

Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Template provides Color Utilities in which different type of Color such as Pale colors, Border colors, Text colors,Gradient colors, gradient animet colors, SVG Img Background,etc are available

Date Paginator

Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin

A jQuery plugin which takes Twitter Bootstrap’s already great pagination component and injects a bit of date based magic. In the process you can create a hugely simplified and modularised way of  date based paging results in your application.

Date Paginator is of 4 types such as Default, Large, Small, and Onselect.


Premium Admin Template

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Template provides Dropdown. Basic Dropdown for default, alignment,drop up, No caret, Dropdown with icon and Dropdown for menu like header, divider, with icon, with badge, etc.

Dropdown grid

Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides a Dropdown grid.Which classifies in icons, icons and title, color icons, color icons and title, 2 column, 4column, Disabled item and active item.

General UI

Bootstrap Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides General UI. It consists of various options of Typography and Progress bar.


Dashboard Admin Templates

3000+ useful icons  are available in Unique – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template.

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Advanced Media

Crypto Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides Advanced media which consist of avatar and button, different type of description formats, different types of text format and much more.


Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 18.47.25 (1)

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides Modals with examples like large, small and medium.


Admin Templates Bootstrap

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Notification such as Simple Toaster Alerts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts.


Admin Dashboard Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard- Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with Ribbons such as Ribbons default, Ribbons right align Vertical ribbons, Bookmarked ribbons.


Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Slider such as Bootstrap Range Slider, Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls.


Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates

Fab Hospital Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard comes with Tabs such as Default Tab, Default Tab, Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, etc.

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Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Template comes with Statistic widgets.


Premium Admin Template

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Template comes with Weather widgets.

Advanced Box

Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Advanced Box.

Basic Box

Bootstrap Admin Templates

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Premium Admin Template comes with Basic Box with title, Title size, Title in header, Without divider, Bold Title, Title and description More description, Title and sidetitle, Title and subtitle, Bordered box and much more.

Box Color

Bootstrap Admin Template

Fab Real Estate Dashboard – Premium Admin Template comes with Box Color which consist of Solid box header color, Background Color, Pale Background color, Outline boxes and border boxes.

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