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Admin Panel Dashboard

Enhance Your Web Projects with Minimo Pro Admin Panel Dashboard

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Minimo pro Admin Panel Dashboard has 5 dashboards and has 100+ features to design web applications. The dashboard monitors new orders, sales rate, user registrations, new visitors, and a sales overview graph that shows yearly sales in count and growth. It also tracks visitors, chat activity, and a sales graph that monitors mail orders, online orders, and in-store orders. Additionally, there is a to-do list and quick email feature to help you monitor and manage everything in one place.

Minimo Pro Dashboard Design is very unique and different from other related admin. It indicates all your required business data to keep you updated all day long. More than 100+ features, widgets, and plugins are included here to make your work easier. It works on all major web browsers, desktop, iPhone, iPad, tablet, and all other smartphone devices.


Dashboard of Minimo Pro


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