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Bootstrap Admin Web App

Bootstrap Admin Web App With Bootstrap Dashboard – Bx-Code


  • Quality & Feature Rich Template
  • 1 Year Premium Support
  • Lifetime Free Updates

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Item Information

  • Created: 10 March 20
  • Last Updated: 14 March 20
  • Bootstrap Version: 4.x
  • Files :HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
  • Documentation: Yes
  • Browsers Supported: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • 6 Months Premium Support
  • Free Lifetime Updates

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Bx-Code Responsive Bootstrap Admin Web App Template is Fully responsive admin dashboard template for job analytical data. Modern looking HTML Template on Bootstrap 4 Stable platform.

Bx-Code Responsive Admin Dashboard Template, UI and WebApp Template a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.

Soft Material Bootstrap Admin Dashboard can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc.

More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.

Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smartphone devices.


  • Dashboard 1

UI Components

  • Bootstrap Switch
  • Date Paginator
  • Advanced Media
  • Modals
  • Nestable
  • Notification
  • Draggable Portlets
  • Sweat Alert
  • Range Slider
  • Ratings
  • Animations

UI Kit

  • Badges
  • Buttons
  • border
  • Typography
  • Grid
  • Sliders
  • Tab
  • Progress bar
  • Spinner
  • Timeline
  • Dropdown grid
  • Dropdown
  • color
  • Horizontal Timeline
  • Ribbons

Box Cards

  • User Box
  • Advanced Box
  • Basic Box
  • Box Color
  • Group Box


  • Google Map
  • Vector Map


  • Fullscreen
  • Pace


  • Tickets
  • Calendar
  • Profile
  • Project DashBoard

Product Pages

  • E-commerce Products
  • Ecommerce Cart
  • Products Edit
  • E-commerce Details
  • Ecommerce Orders
  • Ecommerce Checkout


  • General Form Elements
  • X-Editable
  • Advanced Form Elements
  • Form Validation
  • Form Wizard
  • Code Editor
  • Markdown
  • Editor
  • Formatter
  • Dropzone


  • ChartJS
  • Morris
  • Flot
  • Inline charts
  • Chartist
  • Axis Charts
  • Bar Charts
  • C3 Data Chart
  • C3 Line Chart
  • eChart Basic
  • eChart Bar
  • eChart Pie

Error Page

  • 400 Error
  • 403 Error
  • 404 Error
  • 500 Error
  • 503 Error


  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Data Tables
  • Editable Tables
  • Table coloring


  • Chat App
  • Contact App
  • Userlist grid
  • User list

Documentation includes:

  • How to edit
  • Plugins used


  • Boxed Layout
  • Fixed Layout
  • Sidebar Collapsed

Sample Page

  • Blank Page
  • Maintenance
  • Coming Soon
  • custom_scroll
  • FAQ
  • Gallery
  • Lightbox
  • Pricing


  • Login
  • Login 2
  • Register
  • Register 2
  • Lock screen
  • Recover Password


  • Statistic
  • Chat
  • Social
  • Weather
  • Blog
  • Widgets
  • List


  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
  • Font-Awesome
  • ionicons
  • ChartJS
  • Flot
  • Morris.js


  • Font Awesome
  • Cryptocoins Icons
  • Themify Icons
  • Material Icons
  • Glyphicons
  • Flag Icons
  • Weather Icons
  • Simple Line Icons


  • Inbox
  • Compose
  • Read Mail


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